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RE: Do Dogs Have Souls?

in #philosophy6 years ago

Yep, I think we missed the correct development path. Kid of like the Labs when they are younger: anything can cause a SQUIRREL moment and they totally lose focus on ...whatever it was.

Sam was like the 5 year-old until his death at 12 yrs. Always ready to go into full play mode, but got serious when I was on the tractor and trotted along with the left front tire for as long as I worked. I used to stop just so he would take a break and have some shade.

He was a climber too, but it was separation anxiety and he tried to not let me get out of his sight. I finally let him go everywhere with me in the truck and he loved it.

Overall, I know of no reason Labs should not have souls. Since their brains are capable of loyalty, affection, trust, tenderness and who knows what else, what criteria would disqualify them? All people are assumed to have souls and I know of many I seriously doubt have one, and of many others who have deliberately destroyed other people. Dogs do not do that. I do not see any reason why people should be a special exempt case and all have souls.


labs and collies i found the best breeds for multi reasons, be it service dog or family. labs being most docile when required, and collies for their intelligence and persistence. shepherds i found are mostly protectors and one man dogs, hence id see the police use them here..

Almost all my dogs have been strays or rescues, as many as five at once - but I have never been fortunate enough to have a collie. Sam, the Lab, was a great dog and he specialized in shedding constantly on and around everything. An every-morning chore was to sweep up little hairs! Even with that, he was a great family dog.

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