
in #photofeed6 years ago

Street photography is something that is really terrifying for me. I absolutely love looking at good street photography and follow lots of street photographers on Instagram, but have never quite been able to convince myself to do it. In general I'm a pretty outgoing person and I have no problem talking to strangers in all kinds of situations, but for some reason taking pictures of people without asking them makes me super uncomfortable (which is expecially strange since I do all kinds of other dumb and embarrassing things in public without thinking twice). I think I'm mostly concerned that they'll see me doing it and think I'm some sort of creep and it will make them uncomfortable, but I'm not really sure. Those of you that have done some street photography, how do you get over the weirdness of taking pictures of strangers?

Anyways, last I was on the rooftop of a parking garage where I had parked for work and decided to take some easy street pictures from above. I realized that it would seem even more creepy is someone happened to look up and see me, but thankfully nobody did. This is my favorite of the pictures I took that day, but my favorite thing about street photography is incorporation of people's faces, which this doesn't have, and therefore I don't find it very compelling. I'm going to try to force myself to do more street photography in the future, so everyone yell at me if I don't! :)


Camera(Fujifilm X-T20)
Lens(Fuji 18-55 f/2.8-4)
Location(Downtown Columbus, OH)


About a month ago I was reading someone's post on taking portraits of random people on the streets, that it was something he feared but he tries to push through his fear and makes an effort to do it. He said he has taken some of his best portraits by doing this.

My question to him was, what sort of response to you get back? I mean, if some random person came up to me and asked to take my photo, I don't know what I would say, I think my first thought would be to say no but not being in that situation, I don't know. Maybe it would depend on the person and how they came across... In saying that, if I just happened to be in someone's shot who was on the street, that wouldn't bother me in the least. Interestingly enough though, this guy said he gets more people saying yes than no.

This was something I had NEVER done, the thought makes me feel somewhat sick to my stomach but he encouraged me to try it. So it was about a week later, I was at an event (which I think made it a little easier to do) and I asked a few people if I could take a photo of them and they all said yes... all of them! It actually felt quite uplifting... however thinking about it again it still makes me feel sick but I would definitely do it again now.

So my thoughts here are... maybe the issue is all within yourself and not actually with anyone else. If someone had a problem I'm sure they would tell you and that would be as easy as saying sorry I'll delete it (if needed). I don't think anything that you'd be doing would be sending a message that you're a creep. : ) And when all else fails, you don't know these people, you'll more than likely never see them again, so even if they did think you were a creep (not that I think they would), what's it matter? : )

My advice... just do it, walk on the wild side ; )
Great photo btw!

Thanks for the great response! You definitely have some really good points. If I think about it I know that most people probably don't really care, but it still just makes me uncomfortable for some reason! I think I just need to force myself to start doing it more and I'll become more comfortable with it. Thanks for sharing! :)

That's no worries at all... I found his story enlightening, it helped me to come out of my comfort zone and it was okay when I did! If and when you do... no maybe I should go with when you do ; ) let us know how it goes!! : )

Nice shot. Love the mix of symmetry and asymmetry.

I completely understand about the fear, but there are a few things I believe and will share if I ever get challenged (which I haven't even once in three years) because I firmly believe in my reasons for doing what I do.

  1. I try to capture street life in its most natural form.
  2. I never shoot with the intention to make anyone look foolish
  3. I never take advantage of the homeless or sick, unless it's saying something particularly important
  4. If anyone still disagrees then I'll happily delete the picture and apologise.

Don't get me wrong, I'd feel bad if I got challenged but I would do my very best to get across the reasons for what I'm doing.

If you can be clear and believe in your approach then I'm sure you'll be fine. I like to think that people recognise genuine intent, and you certainly seem like a genuine guy. Can't wait to see some more street photography from you!

Thanks! Means a lot coming from you.

Love the list of reasons, I definitely appreciate the thoughtful approach. Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm just going to have to force myself to get out there I guess :)

I'm in the same boat!!! So glad I'm not the only one. I'm terrified of shooting in public. Took my camera to the Long beach Grand Prix last weekend with the intent of trying to overcome it and just ended up lugging around my camera bag all day. Uuuugh.

Oh for sure, something about it just makes me so nervous! We should both give it a try though, I know it'd be good for me haha. And I've definitely done the exact same thing and then just feel dumb for carrying my camera all day!

This is a cool perspective. I also struggle with street and the invasive nature of it. I try and use a telephoto when ever I am doing it to reduce that feeling.

Thanks! Glad to hear others do as well. Yeah, a telephoto isn't a bad idea! Might have to give that a try.

I like the geometry of this shot. I prefer less people in my shots ;)

Thanks man! Haha I've noticed! Come to think of it, I don't know that I've ever seen a picture of yours with a human in it?

what an amazing shot body, i think the same street photography is such an amazing art, streets have a lot to show us. thank you

when i see a photo. the first thing that comes to my mind is who and where? maybe also most people like me. therefore if I know where the photo was taken I will be more interested.
to take photos on the streets that surely most people we do not know. we should find a little culture of people in that area.

I think it would be nice to have someone looked up during that time :D You made it look like it's a bare street, few people, no cars parked and even the tree is bare.

Great post ;)

Wonderful shot!

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