Meeting Them as Creative Steemians

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Being in the middle of creative people, was a moment to share anything we have. Throughout the positive thought, discussion came to live. In such a good chance, I succesfully captured some steemians who possitively see this platfrom as new breakthru to elevate the capacity and creativy that they have. It happened after having done the fasting break, we had some steemit talks which was regarded as cheerful gathering. These following guys have been doing such a good job on this platform. Well! Let give high five to them.


I met him twice, where the first meeting happened in my hometown. You know, he is an awesome steemian. Laughing and welcoming me as a friend. Meet this down to earth guy, @hendrafauzi. Kindly follow him and get in touch through his post.


Who does not this guy, the Apache13 vocalist. I thanked to steemit for meeting him, before I knew this guys, I was one of his secret admires. Now, I got a place to stay when I came to Banda Aceh city. He and his crew had made my night. For his kindness, he let me borrowed his brand new novel while he haven't read yet. What a happy steemian, and kind hearted person. Love knowing you. I suggest you guys follow his account @gulistan. You will find very positive writing and full of good thought in his blog. Great musician!


Alhought, I am not so close with him but I know he is an industrious guy, work harder, friendly. Each time I touched down in his city, I met this creative steemian and most of his post talked about positive and constructive ideas. It is good to visit his blogs @alvaro017 who knows you can get something valuable down there.

Well, that how I know these guys. I am termendous happy meeting of all you. Stay cool buddies!



Sangat keren...

bereh, para penggiat musik, salam buat apache

Selaluu ada ide baru dan inspirasi setiap kali bertukar pikiran dengan orang-orang kreatif.. Selamat menanti sahur, Bang @abduhawab.. :)

Ada satu keinginan saya yang belum terealisasi sampai saat ini, yaitu menjumpai dan berkenalan dengan orang-orang tangguh di steemit, orang-orang yang selalu memberikan motivasi,inspirasi dan kekuatan hidup dan bertahan di platform ini, semoga suatu saat bisa terealisasi, terutama dengan guru besar bg @abduhawab sukses selalu bg

bertemu dan duduklah semeja kopi dengan bang @abduwahab
orangnya sangat familiar dan senang berbagi ilmu.

Insya Allah bg @hendrafauzi saya dengarnya juga begitu, kebetulan adik saya yg kepala sekolah di sukma lhokseumawe, yang kebetulan salah seorang anggota FaMe kalau pulang kampung sering bercerita tentang bg @abduhawab yang superior lah hehee, sekilas saya juga sangat mengagumi karakter beliau yang beda dari yang lain, salam kenal bang @hendrafauzi belum kenal aja saya udah merasa akrab, apalagi nanti kalau udah kenal ya hehee

Beruntung sekali bang @abduhawab, karena memiliki teman-teman yang baik, dan mereka juga penulis yang hebat, pertemuan semacam ini perlu dirawat, supaya nilai keakraban dan tali silaturrahmi terus terjalin dengan baik.

Kiriman yang bagus, memang akan senang sekali bisa bertemu dengan orang-orang tangguh di steemit. Harapan kita tentu kreativitas tinggi yg mereja miliki dapat menular kepada kita. Terima kasih dan salam hangat dari ketinggian.

teeima kasih bang @abduwahab ka neucok lon sebagai objek foto droneuh 😀

hehe....terima kasih bang, objek sempurna

lage aneuk muda film india dron bg @hendrafauzi.. bereh

hahaha brat that lage ureung jameun bandet jih menyoe pilem india

Masih dengan foto yang kece badai. Black and white series 🤘🤘🤘

bg @gulistan imut sekali ya bg, hehe
keren bang bw nya

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