
I use for posting with the busy tag they give you an upvote, plus i like I can prepare in advance and save as drafts ready to post when I want to

For replying to comments like now I Use Steampeek, I just like the way it is laid out for that

... but I want my Steemit back 😥
I have just posted via and can say that I prefer Steemit. I'll have a look at Steempeak later on. Now I am going to try doing some votings ;)

ITs a lot what we get used to Steemit, with the steemplus chrome addon has a lot of functions i Like, ad I said I use busy for posting and am used ot it now so switching to anything else would be a bother for me, maybe thats because i am gettign old and set in my ways LOL

Old or not, when I get used to something for months, and suddenly it stops working and I have to use a different tool, then I do not like it at all and simple things get somehow complicated ;)

When I was younger, I was also more flexible and 12-hour days like today were not a problem.

Ohh yes I am exactly the same luckily my 12 hour days are very rare now but 10 years back they were the norm and often longer
In the field often was 12 or more hour days 6 or 7 days a week but then there also often wasn’t busy to do out of work there lol

We were younger then, and for me stress was kind of fun.

This has changed and I've become calmer and love fixed working hours. These two days have been planned before, but I don't like working for so many hours a day anymore.

And I'm looking forward to the time when I can choose my own working time :)

Yes that’s very true I actually thrived in stress back then now I to try to take it easy and since most likely I am in my last year working I am starting to wind down the longer days and pressure getting ready to switch to retirement mode 😎

Switch to retirement mode - I like that :)
..., because you want to retire healthy, and stay healthy many more years then.

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