BW Lake Day - Rise The Born #357

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Not many of us do any real traveling, not like how we want anyways. Most of us stick around our small town or city and never see the world learning about new things change our perspective taking only the parts we like into our attitude. It's almost like being reborn, a real change in the pace of life and the same old routines we've always done, It is true we still do the same kind of routines but if we was to change our work place that alone changes our perspective about work giving us a new start. Things are different and if they are different in a good way it's better as if it was a change for the worse of course it would be for the worse. The point is that should you make a change and it turns out to be worse, keep trying until you find one that is for the better as it will be all worth it in the end. I know it's easier said then done, that's because the easier part is the path of least resistance and is how chaotic space works.

We are all born slaves when you're born into a world that has rules for slaves you get used to it and use things like pride, love, respect, that all lead to one thing, you doing what you're told to do when you're told to do it. The money is for food and shelter as any good master buys food, medical, shelter, cloths for slaves. True it's not 50 people in a one bedroom apartment as a bad slave owner would do to it's subject but it's still slavery all the same only now the masters are disguised with mask such as corrupt rules, fed baking system that's not apart of the federal system because it would be against that law for such abuse of power so they made it private.

Not many people understand how the banking system works much less how the federal banking system works. It's true the very name implies that is federal yet has nothing to do with federal because that is just a mask to hide behind just like everything else you see to do with politics. The good people in politics play by the rules, the good people who don't play by the rules end up being blackmailed using the breaking of the rules against them and should they find any good ones who is smart enough to figure this all out end up having bad things happening to them. It's why I call politics a measure of criminal enterprises, its what the mafia looks like when it controls everything, and it does. I'm not anti government I'm anti corrupted government.

Transparency is key and taking away things like the responsibility of infrastructure and putting that on corps and/or other parties with a 100% transparency means our infrastructure stays secure and up to date. If you build a bridge and it should be defected and negligent of the company who built it, they should be held responsible serve prison time should anyone get hurt, lose the company and money to build the new one. Simply put you don't cut corners.

I know this is easier said then done but at least it's working in the right direction and doesn't give an excuse to stop trying just because it's "good enough" or "better then any other place does it". It's just not an excuse for failure. I think blockchain could be an important part of fixing this kind of political issue but it's only one tool and other tools needs to be developed just for this kind of responsibility.

We need a group of coders/programmers/devs and other talents to start projects that focus on taking on parts of the government and making it so it can't be corrupted or make it very difficult to take advantage of the resources being put into it. If you have a few billion set a side for roads and bridges politicians are hard at work to try and take as much of that as they can using any and all excuses. Anytime the government touches money it gets confusing and sooner or later becomes corrupted, You see this with social security while technically they didn't steal the money it was touched and used in ways that later on can be corrupted, it's how they chip away at it and sooner or later it will be abused. Now that being said If we were to invest social security in corporate bonds or equities it would not be available for government spending. Just my thoughts while sitting up on the hill overlooking the lake. Anyways enjoy my photo art.


CameraNexus 6
SoftwareGimp 2

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