How Do You Like Your Persimmons?

in #photography5 years ago (edited)


Okay, who doesn't like persimmons? Oh, I know a whole lot of people who hate them, my husband @matt-a being one of them.

To be honest though, when I was a kid I hated them as well. I don't know what it was, either the fruit not being ripe enough when I ate it or maybe the taste of them just weirded me out, but after a few unsuccessful attempts to enjoy persimmons I never touched them again . . . until I got older.


In Crimea where I'm from, persimmons start making an appearance on the store shelves and the markets around this time of the year, late fall. It was a pleasant surprise to have discovered some here in my local grocery store, needless to say I had to get them immediately haha.

I'm not sure how popular these are in the US and what people usually do with them. In Eastern Europe we just eat them straight up or use as decoration for cakes. I think persimmons would add a nice little kick to a tossed salad (unless they're too soft), something I have yet to try.


One more thing I'd like to point out about these, is the shape. In Crimea they're mostly shaped kind of like Roma tomatoes, you will also find some round ones, sorta like apples; so these are definitely unique looking to me.


Looking at these photos reminds me that I am out of practice and should do more photography daily. I've had my regular food photography posts on the back burner here lately being too occupied with Red Dead Redemption 2. It's funny, but I am going to go play some more now once I finish this post. Games posses me hahaha. They're fun though.


The images were taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III and a Canon EF 24-105mm - F/4 lens.

artwork by @kookyan


Милое дело похрумать хурму с такой композиции =)

Спасибо :)

украшают ими пироженки? а как?)
обожаю ее! ела бы и ела!

Да, у нас украшают, ты видела в Медоборах? Или это не хурма, a я все это время верила :0

я туда и не хожу, я такое не ем уже)
вот это кругляшок хурмы?? я бы никогда не подумала, ты меня просветила))

Ну, так мне одна коллега сказала несколько лет назад, и я поверила, но не проверила!

Lol I love them I only recently found out that it was called persimmons I’ve been calling it kaki’s for years

Posted using Partiko iOS

Interesting, is that what you guys call them in your language?

Well my first language is English lol and I speak Afrikaans too no clue if it’s language based that’s what my aunt called it and I never gave it a second thought! Kak means shit in afrikaans so kaki just always a found it funny

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh I see, I assumed that your first language was different because of the way you said you call them. Oh yeah, someone mentioned to me that "kaki" is what they call persimmons in Japanese, however I didn't check that information haha.

Очень очень красивые и вкусные фотографии! ;)

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