the working horses of St.Petersburg

in #photography5 years ago
когда-то в моем городе существовала такая профессия: человек с мешком ходил по улицам, и собирал с мостовой эээ.... конские какашки. было это больше ста лет назад. так давно, что напрочь забыто даже слово, обозначавшее эту профессию! но, надо сказать, немного коней в городе по-прежнему есть. и конские какашки всё еще встречаются на улицах! но, конечно, не в таком объеме, чтобы для его уборки требовались специально обученные люди :)
my city once had such a profession: folks with a bag walked through the streets, and collected horse poops from the ground. it was more than a hundred years ago, so long ago, that even the word denoting this profession, is completely forgotten! but I must say, the horses still do exist in the city. and horse poop still can be found on the streets! but, of course, not in such quantaties, that specially trained people were required for its cleaning :)




taken with Canon 5d +16-35mm 2.8L

NB to my friend @galenkp: St.Petersburg is known as a 'Northern Venice', there are channels here, and a good way to enjoy the city perspective is to have a few rides across the channels on a boats. a blanket is a thing you will need for it! riding in a horse carriage.... imo its excessive luxury! never tried it myself. . .


I did an evening boat tour of the city and it was quite marvelous!

yes, yes, the evening boat tour across the channels, with a blanket, and probably with a bottle of liquer (and with a camera!) -- that would be a very proper tourist idea for St.Petersburg! @melinda 010100 :P

The one I was on was a dinner cruise and had Traditonal dancers for entertainment. As if the city itself was not entertainment enough. It was a perfect way to spend my last night in Russia!

It looks like a scene from a fairy tail ^^

haha, no! too much asphalt and busses for fairy-tale :)))) @adalger. but I agree, the carriages are very stylish, easily could work as a props for a movie...

I had directly the old disney movie Cinderella in mind .. such a lovely carriage ^^

i am more than sure, the ones who build it nowadays, watched that movie and steal ideas from there... we live in the age of modernity, right? :) @adalger

WOW that carriage has such style and class thanks for sharing these shots of it

Яйцо Фаберже на колёсах, оригинально! ... )))


I think he travels to Cinderella's world with that carriage.

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