Don't even think about feeding the ducks bread (it could kill them).

in #photography4 years ago


Each of us, walking in the park or on the quay, fed the ducks at least once. I remember when my family and I used to walk on the quay all the time and feed these poor little creatures. We'd buy bread or loaf, and then me or my sister and sometimes Dad would eat half of what was meant for ducks.


When I was 12 years old, my grandmother, a doctor by training, once said that ducks can not be fed with bread, or they will die. When I asked why, she just said it had to do with the fact that they couldn't digest the bread and the loaf they were being thrown. Scared about the ducks, I wanted to find out what was really going on inside and what else you couldn't feed them:


Black bread and white bread

You can't feed the ducks black bread. It's more dangerous to them than white bread! Their bodies are unable to cope with so many ingredients, they have a crumb in their stomachs, it leads to painful death. They die slowly, and the people who feed them black and white bread are to blame. I beg you, stop doing that! It's not worth it!


Sweet and salty

No, no and no! Don't, they have a huge number of diseases associated with the huge consumption of carbohydrates. Chocolate bars, chips... Who in their right mind would give them that?


Now, let me explain why you can't give ducks a baton in detail. The thing is, ducks, like all of us, need different trace elements. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Now, remember, how many proteins, fats in a baton? Yeah, it's made entirely of carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates. They give saturation, just like a man, but not for long. And because it gives saturation, do birds have to try and find something else? They lose the motivation to look for something else to eat.


Besides, the bread and loaf are very caloric. Because of this, birds develop a disease with the beautiful name "Angel Wings". Yes, it sounds beautiful. It just doesn't look good. Birds can't fly because of it.


So what, they can't all eat now? No, they're allowed to eat. Only the right food:

Cereals: oats, peas, corn.
Special feeds. Yes, there are even those, but sometimes they are hard to get because they are not in demand.
Boiled vegetables: A source of vitamins for birds. You can give them something we don't eat from vegetables, like top carrots.
Boiled eggs, nonfat cottage cheese - sources of protein, without which it will be difficult for birds. Eggs can be churned just like that, with shells: it doesn't matter.

I say again: you can and even feed the ducks, you just need to feed them with what the body can digest. Thus, ducks do not face a long death, but on the contrary, you only help them.












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