Infinite Imaginarium: Evolving the Digital Age

in #podcast5 years ago (edited)

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Our Mantra is
Connect - Collaborate - Create

Infinite Imaginarium is A Multimedia Decentralized Open Source Artist Collective, made of a mosaic of programmers, artist, musicians, shamans, visionaries, regular people, creating things.

Our flagship project is our creative collective podcast show. Evolving the Digital Age is the pivotal Infinite Imaginarium show. In the podcast, Nikki, Kevin and Satorid core members of the Imaginarium ponder questions of the highly evolving digital landscape, why this moment matters. Resonating with nature, the direct experience of everything. Dissolving the boundaries of spirit and matter, you and them. The causal connection between all of this is the idea that both the evolution of the computer and the rediscovery of psychedelic drugs, has to do with consciousness expansion. We are expanding the exploration of our own wetware.

The world has changed more than we recognize. The conjunction of pervasive surveillance, platform capitalism, and artificial intelligence have pushed the entire world into a sort of ‘post-real’ era.

The dawn of digital media was filled with ideas that need to be rediscovered.

I open up the show with something Douglas Rushkoff wrote:

When human beings acquired language, we learned not just how to listen but how to speak. When we gained literacy, we learned not just how to read but how to write. And as we move into an increasingly digital reality, we must learn not just how to use programs but how to make them. In the emerging highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. It’s really that simple: Program, or be programmed.

For while digital technologies are in many ways a natural outgrowth of what went before, they are also markedly different. Computers and networks are more than mere tools: They are like living things, themselves. Unlike a rake, a pen, or even a jackhammer, a digital technology is programmed. This means it comes with instructions not just for its use, but also for itself. And as such technologies come to characterize the future of the way we live and work, the people programming them take on an increasingly important role in shaping our world and how it works. After that, it’s the digital technologies themselves that will be shaping our world, both with and without our explicit cooperation.

That’s why this moment matters. We are creating a blueprint together—a design for our collective future. The possibilities for social, economic, practical, artistic, and even spiritual progress are tremendous. Just as words gave people the ability to pass on knowledge for what we now call civilization, networked activity could soon offer us access to shared thinking—an extension of consciousness still inconceivable to most of us today. The operating principles of commerce and culture—from supply and demand to command and control—could conceivably give way to an entirely more engaged, connected, and collaborative mode of participation.

Please Enjoy The Full Remaster Show:

Everything is about to get very much more complicated, much larger, the number of choices are about to exponentially explode.
They see technology as ideas, and ideas as technology. They question our fanatical efforts at control via the runaway complexity of progress, and remind us of the stubborn persistence of the unconscious, the body and the other. They remind us to see the evolution of humanity and beyond as much in terms of qualia as quanta, and paint the future as more sensitive to psychological, spiritual, ethical, and biological concerns than those on the hardboiled tech edge.
The distinctions between this vision and the more common idea of a technological singularity are easily distilled. In their own words, presented as a “virtual conversation” of transcripts and correspondences, here are the core messages of a transhumanist vision informed by the psychedelic experience. -Terence Mckenna


Yesterday night, I listened to the one hour audio / video in this post, just before bed. It gave me a scary dream ( think Japanese horror creepy girl style ) but man was it interesting. I was also reminded of learning about Douglas Rushkoff and reading his book Children of Chaos at the start of this century ( when I was studying film ( theory ) in Uni ). Can you give me any pointers to where I can find more ( video, reading ) about the more recent work of Rushkoff?

Thanks a lot :>)

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wow very interesting about the dream, thanks for watching the video.

sure thing about Douglas Rushkoff, check out his medium and also his podcast.

He just came out with a new book Team Human, and been on a tour for the book, Last night I was watching his talk at MIT Media Lab that was pretty interesting:

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