Panormos Liberated, Day 93 of the 100 Days of Poetry

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Panormos Liberated


an occupied
burghal harbor
a colonized chimera realm

chattel and conquerors
goods and services
dominion squatters

the demands ebb in
the effects flow out
slow erosion
of supply, security, and place
identity and worth

splinters fall through
infinity becomes bottom heavy
the isle is turned on its head
until there is balance once again

chronicle it in a painting
sign the left corner
claim your ownership
date and register it with time
for safe keeping

let the edges blur
the bitter gall sweeten
fingerprints fade

mount it in a museum
among the mental menagerie
where human suffering
is transformed
into a desire to be free

Spiral-Statue-Light-Mystical-Clock-Fantasy-Angel-2879946 (1).jpg

Image 1
Image 2

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A Thank you to @d-pend for curating the challenge


At first this read like a testament to art's liberating power, although on further readings I'm not so sure... almost like the poor inhabitants are being locked away in paint, for life. The history erased but the artist's impression remaining. That could be a positive or a negative I suppose, but there definitely seems like hope in those last few lines!

If there's a real life history being referenced here I don't know it unfortunately, although the rhythms and images were wonderful to read over regardless :)

Thank you, Lazarus. Panormos was the Greek name for the port of Palermo but I use it as example and do not mean to draw too specific of a comparison. I did love the sound of the world though. Often ports were fought over and the people pushed this way and that. Ports are a zone of transition from land to sea. There is some symbolism in that. And yes, it is about the ability of the arts to free and to push ever to 'freer' states:)

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