How to be an influential racist?

in #politics6 years ago


"Racists all over the world have the same mindsets. The techniques through which they spread their views and influence masses are also the same. Let’s take a look at how they think and act".

Every concept in life is already set. What is wrong and what is right are clearly defined, what is acceptable and what is not are well known to everyone, and most importantly who is the good guy and who is not. There is no such thing as diversity. There are laws, values, and standards that are universal and well known beyond doubt. According to such standards we are the best. We are more worthy than others, we are superior

There is no such thing as equality, it is a myth. There are established measures upon which everyone shall be evaluated.

Look how people from other races live, how they behave, how ignorant, how less intelligent, and how they don’t meet such general standards. They know we are better than them. They hate and envy us. We need to protect the values we represent from their ignorance. They have to admit our superiority.

  • Those who belong to us and defend what they perceive as other’s rights are doomed, they have hidden agendas, and they are affiliated to them. You don’t have to participate in any discussion, your beliefs are correct beyond argument. Whenever you come across someone argues other races rights cut him short.

  • There is no time to discuss their ideas, instead discuss their personalities. Bring people to doubt and belittle them. Discuss their affiliation with other races, their old mistakes, appearance, and even how they speak. Find whatever can help making them look foolish, mentally ill, or traitors. It has never been about concepts; it is about their flawed personalities.

  • To cut such people short use mockery. It doesn’t necessarily be relevant to what he argues as long as it is offensive enough to stop him.

  • Whenever they are going to win an argument, use sarcasm, the more aggressive the better. Sarcasm empties the discussion of its meaning, making them look stupid and silencing the public.
    Find their or their family members’ old misdeeds. Make them public. Who needs subjectivity in such situations, we work for the greater goodness.

  • Make shamfull accusations that keep them busy defending themselves. Let people suspect their intentions.



  • No human race is free of racists, they are our guys, generalize their statements, attitudes, racial actions and let the public believe such hatred is adopted by the entirety of such race. That justifies our position and gives us the chance to heat things up.

  • Push them to the edge, many of them would loose their patience and react in such a way we can take advantage of. Show the public that they are the racists, the haters and the root of all evil.

  • Bring their non hostile statements and actions out of their original context, and re-frame them in such a way that makes them look racists, “ah don’t bother”, your mind will do the work on its own.

  • It doesn’t matter how apparently different members of a certain race may be, they are all the same from the inside. It also doesn’t matter if some of them were benevolent, successful, and charitable as long as they belong to such race.

  • There are good people running trustworthy news agencies. Their news doesn’t need verification. We don’t have to validate or double check the integrity of them before spreading and acting upon them.
    After belittling others, use Comics as a reminder. Keep reminding your followers how bad others are.

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