You're being told a BIG LIE by the MSM again. It must be Tuesday. Again.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The MSM has their talking points agreed and aligned: Trump's decision on DACA is cruel and cowardly.

NBC News. Obama on DACA: Trump’s Decision to End Program ‘Cruel’ and ‘Wrong’

Business Insider. Mark Zuckerberg calls Trump ending DACA 'cruel'.

LA Times. Ending DACA was an act of pure cruelty by Trump.

Even Bernie the socialist weighed in and followed the script already agreed by the talking heads in MSM.

Bernie Sanders‏Verified account @SenSanders 

Trump's decision on DACA is the ugliest and most cruel decision ever made by a president of the U.S. in the modern history of this country. 

Except this story on a COWARDLY and CRUEL decision is a total fabrication. 

MSM has been caught spinning BS again.  

Will any of the public notice? 

Or will most of the public fall for this orchestrated attack by the MSM on the constitution, which is based on a lie?

Let's review the facts on the history of DACA.

By executive fiat, acting more like a dictator than a constitutional scholar, President Obama granted amnesty to many immigrants living illegally in the United States. It was an unconstitutional act.

Obama had previously admitted he had no constitutional authority to end deportations of illegal aliens when he said, “The notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally is just not true.”  Then he went about doing it anyway.  

Many of Obama's executive orders were consistent with the approach that a dictator would have followed. Unilateral decision making without regards to the constitution of the US. Just skip Congress and make laws by fiat, like a king or a dictator would do.

But what has Trump really done with DACA?

1) Recinded an Obama executive order that was not constitutional.

2) Given Congress six months to write a bill and pass a law targeted at the Dreamers, following a constitutional process.

3) Indicated that in his heart he supports the general thrust of the current DACA executive order, but he believes that the power of the Executive Branch needs to be curtailed.  President's need to follow the law, and he is holding himself to that standard.

All of today's DACA hysteria would make you think the world is ending.  

But if you take the MSM at face value that absolutely everything was wrong with the Trump DACA decision, the implication is the MSM is advocating all of the following:

1) Executive orders that make new law and by pass the constitution are OK, as long as MSM agrees with content of the executive orders.

2) Congress is not needed to write bills or pass laws.  MSM would prefer to skip that messy political process and just have a dictator of an Obama flavor issue executive orders, as long as the MSM agrees with the content of the executive orders

3) The power of President's and of the Executive Branch does NOT need to be checked.  As long as the President is issuing executive orders that MSM agrees with, they are OK with rule by fiat.

MSM are ugly hypocrites !!   And very dangerous to the future well-being of the republic.

The MSM never called Obama a dictator or accused him of acting like a dictator, and yet facts are that is what many of his Executive Orders were. Including his DACA executive order.

The MSM regularly accuse Trump of trying to govern like a dictator, but in this DACA case Trump is doing exactly the opposite.  Trump is saying that the power of the Executive Branch (President) needs to be curtailed.  Trump is deferring back to Congress to make a bill which can then pass into law.  This is what the constitution requires.

New Rules: no one is allowed to be a pundit for MSM until they have passed a basic civics class, OR been forced to listen for 10 straight hours to the following Sesame Street classic so they understand how laws are made in a country that does not have a king and does not have a dictator.

The Congress is supposed to write bills and pass laws.

The President is prohibited from writing laws.

Any President that tries to write laws is violating the Constitution.

If we allow any President to routinely violate the Constitution, we risk losing the Republic.

If you are in favor of a President routinely violating the Constitution, you are an Enemy of the Republic.


This republic is worth saving.




Well written piece again!! You nailed it. Everything is all good as long as the MSM agrees with it. It doesn't matter if it breaks the law or is unconstitutional. They will tell u what you should know. DAH HA HA HA. What a bunch of turds!!!

Full upvote. You nailed it.

Thanks 👍🏻👍🏻 Ya man isn't it nice to have the wool pulled off your eyes and see what's really happening. Keep pumpin it up!! Resteeming!!

The media of course is doing what they always do. Trump gives 1 million dollars to Hurricane Harvey fund, they bitch about it not being 2 million. They bitch about Melania wearing heels, but don't say anything when she gets off the plane in Texas wearing sneakers. They take their cheap shots and run for cover of not telling the whole story. Now, it's DACA. They will not mention that what President Obama did was unconstitutional, they will just bitch about what President Trump is doing to be cruel. They will not tell you they are here illegally, they will call them dreamers. It's lie, lie, lie from the media.

Full upvote.

MSM has become a branch of the Democratic Party.

They are willing to tell lies and regularly do tell lies in aid of their masters in the Democratic Party reading your stuff.

MSM sucks!!!

Great post as aways @davebrewer!

Upvoted and resteemed

Trump comes off as shrewd. Congress will have to no actually make immigration law. Only the safest of seats are dead certain of where they stand on immigration. Polling will be intense.

I agree. Very shrewd move by Trump.

But also 100% in line with what the Constitution says is supposed to happen. Congress is supposed to write laws. The President is prohibited from writing laws

Thanks for writing that Dave, I know too many legal immigrants in the US that can't believe the number of illegals that are here too. They're common reaction is "why did I put in all that time and effort to come here legally?"

Trump handing power back to Congress is far from cruel, but it is a bit of pass the hot potato to the House. Fine, make them work for a living.

Trump gave Congress more than a fair chance to handle this. 6 months. If they can't get something worked out, then they should be prepared for pressure at the ballot box

Trump is evil , he has broken families apart , he is destroying the nation, why are we letting him do that? Why do the people not have any rights ?

One of my very close friends were actually deported , it broke my heart , they have been living in the US for so long , is it really fair to do that ?

People are backing up Trump without understanding the ramifications of his actions because these people cannot relate because of how ignorant and privileged they are. This is what the US has become and it's unsurprising that the US seems to be getting worse. Hysteria about terrorism... Hysteria about immigration... Drug and crime hysteria. They need a scapegoat so they blame others, even their own people. That's how the government controls them. With fear.

Fear doesn't create a stronger government I feel like it destroys it

If the government can scare the uneducated masses with terrorism... Crime... And drugs.. then it's quite easy to control the masses. Trump is an example of this.

Damn Trump. Exaggerating the opioid epidemic that is hitting the US and killing tens of thousands.

Wish that Trump would stop exaggerating the impacts of illegal drugs on Americans.

The opioid epidemic is caused by tainted drugs by US backed drug cartels and informants in US inner cities.

Fact of the matter, Portugal, Bolivia and similar countries have decriminalized drugs and it showed a massive drop in drug violence and even a drop in overdoses. The epidemic is completely exaggerated and its been proven that abolitionism causes more problems than less (just like the failure of US alcohol Prohibition).

you're either mistaken or lying.
I support trump.

Many supporters of trump , I am not one of them

Are you socialist?

Were the here illegally? If so then yes it's 1000% fair.

What about the people who are American born citizens doing illegal work ? Don't they deserve punishment ?

That is the entire point of rule of law. No one is above the law. If you are doing something illegally, and you are caught, you are subject to the appropriate punishment.

The alternative to "rule of law", is"rule of man", in which case the laws are only suggestions, and as long as you are friends with someone in a position of power or can afford to bribe someone in position of power to be your friend, you can do what you want.

The Constitution and rule of law are what keep the US from turning into a tyranny.

Sorry about your friend, but if they were deported that means somewhere in the past they broke a law.

If you "knew someone in power" who make an exception for your friend, would it be right to take that exception?

How far do the exceptions go? Who decides who gets the exceptions? Does everyone get the exceptions?

And you see how this slippery slope takes you to anarchy - a place where there are no laws.

When there are no laws, the gang with the biggest guns and the most ammunition will determine what "justice" is for that street corner.

Not the place you want to ever live

who has deported more and bombed more innocent? trump or obama

There are many long term benefits to all American citizens, if we have a President that follows the constitution.

There are many long term dangers to the Republic if we allow a President, ANY PRESIDENT, to make his own laws and circumvent the Constitution.

If we allow ANY PRESIDENT to circumvent the Constitution, we put ourselves on the path to becoming Cuba or Venzeula or Argentina or Russia or .......

I have never heard of DACA before in my life, 800,000 people? Holy shit, I remember actually Sargon of Akkad doing a piece about Mexican immigration and he of course pointed out that all this left wing press make it out that by sending these migrants back to Mexico they were sending them to their deaths or something.

In fact here, you're right, this is a very common trend with them, yet again they're doing everything they can to make Trump look like satan. I have to wonder about the 800,000 people on this program, here in the UK we have had a serious problem of blatant fraud going on with fake 'child refugees' and I kid you not they are all turning out to be people in their 20's or even older, completely grown adults.

When it comes to migration, for whatever reason the left have proven themselves to be utterly trustworthy in dealing with it responsibly.

If the UK wasn't supporting the dictatorships in the Middle East and backing Salafi terrorists you wouldn't have to worry so much about threats from refugees. UK and America fabricated these problems and now your own citizens get screwed over and decide to become more prejudice and promote discrimination laws against people either because of religion, culture, or national identity because of cowardly actions by your own military.

become more prejudice and promote discrimination laws against people either because of religion, culture, or national identity because of cowardly actions by your own military.

I am not the leader of the armed force in my country or the primeminister, no one is, these people have been acting entirely on their own when most people in the country would rather we get out of there entirely. As I have said, many of the migrants that actually cause problems and commit crimes in this country do not even qualify for asylum status, you're making shit up like a lot of people do who are for open border migration. The vice president of the EU has stated that the majority of these people do not qualify as refugees yet you insist on claiming they're fleeing war. Migration control is a protection to prevent any genuinely dangerous people from coming in and attacking us, to claim that is 'prejudice and discrimination' is extremely disingenuous.

I would like you to actually indicate which laws are discriminatory that have been put in place recently? Are you talking about the burka ban proposals for example? Arguments about the morality of is aside that is actually a legitimate security concern, even ISIS banned women from wearing the burka when they visit their bases to prevent people sneaking in and attacking them.

If you're talking about Trump's 'Muslim ban' that's also bullshit, it was actually a plan that was implemented originally by Obama and he simply enacted it. The countries listed are also from places where it is an active warzone which is actually quite right because it prevents any potential terrorists from getting in without proper checks. Muslims who are living in Europe for example or were born in Europe can travel to and from America freely though I would consider that quite a mistake because as has been reported there are terrorists who are using the free movement of people in the EU to get into any country of their choosing and hide amongst any genuine refugees.

I'm against dictatorships generally and supporting them, but to pretend this is purely down to the evil western imperialists is just fucking naive on your part.

I never stated you were the leader of the armed forces. I am making shit up? How so? What have I stated that is false? I never claimed they are fleeing from war. I didn't 'insist' on any such claim as that. Migration control is nothing but a reaction after decades of Western involvement and funding of Salafi terrorists in the middle east. Again, these are the results of the failure of the UK and the US.

I didn't even specify about Trump, I stated the US and the UK, regardless of political affiliations or a particular leader. These are the actions after the debates, after the bills have passed, the reality. "Freely travel", passports disprove such a ridiculous statement.

These terrorists are Fabrications of the state, they are the result of apathy by the citizens of these countries and the absolute infantile ignorance of grown adults of the actions of their own countries. The failure of citizens to react, creates these atrocities. You support more regulations?

You carry an Anarcho-Capitalist flag shield as your profile, yet you whine like a statist.

It isn't isolated to just Western imperialism, hence why I mentioned salafists. Pay attention and educate yourself on what it means.

I assume the last sentence was tongue in cheek.

Estimates for total illegal immigrants in the US range from approx 10 million up to approx 30 million. 800,000 is just the number of children who were brought illegally by their parents, through no fault of their own doing.

I have sympathy for that, but it doesn't change the fact the whole situation is retarded and people shouldn't be defending that level of mass migration.

Mass migration is fine if it is legal and the country where folks are immigrating to is allowing all the immigrants in with legal process.

That is not how the US ended up with 10 to 30 million illegals. They are called "illegal immigrants" because they came illegally

Not a Trump fan myself. I believe him to be nothing more than a puppet like the rest of the other puppets-in-chief that preceded him. Still a good post and I definitely distrust mainstream media.

As a curiosity, who do you think he is a puppet of? I think there are many valid criticisms of Trump. He is often boorish, he is at times crude, he is egotistical and narcissistic, he seems impulsive and sometimes has limited self control. All concerning points in a President.

But it never occurred to me that being a "puppet" was one of the dangers we face with him.

Who exactly do you think is controlling Trump? Do you think they are doing a good job? LOL

It's just that I am so distrusting of the current political climate it's hard to determine who is real and who is not. I will be honest, I preferred Trump over Hilary for sure. But he seems to be following the same plan that has always been going on in America. Wars. NWO. Israel. It's the same thing all over again.

Like I said this is also due to the fact that politics in this country has been a game for so long that it isn't too far off to believe this way.

I guess time will tell what will happen down the line. I guess it is more of a prove to me that you are working against the powers that be.

We still have a Federal Reserve. He still never launched the investigation into Hilary Clinton and her e-mails. Granted it may be a while IF he is still launching it. But I haven't seen the signs that he is doing that.

Just my two cents. Thanks for the reply!

The reason people claim he is a 'puppet' is because they think he's too stupid to make his own decisions about anything, it's the classic arrogance of people who are so against Trump they'll literally come up with conspiracy theories in order to try and oust him.

Obama knew that future presidents could do this, so he should have had it go through congress in the first place. Dems had control of the congress and senate , they blew it.

Or the Democrats didn't have the votes needed to change the law even when they controlled Congress.

Or they didn't have the courage to all vote for a law change, with enough numbers to make a new law.

In either case, doesn't that give you the suspicion that Americans may not really approve of DACA, with the numbers needed to write DACA into law?

In a democracy, you need to have the votes to change the law.

Yes it is suspicious 😒

i still don't understand what trump want to achieve doing all these non sense :(

He wanted a legal process for changing the immigration laws. The President is not a dictator. The President cannot write laws, the way Obama tried to.

Trump wants the Congress to write new immigration laws.

You know .... the way the constitution describes the legal way for making new laws in the US

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