Practical Steps to Freedom - Dissenters Need to Unite

in #politics6 years ago


The crave for a distinct political identity has been one of those phenomenons in dire need of a thorough impact assessment. One might say more harm has come from identity politics than good.

At a point in human history where deeply earned freedoms are being eroded, paving way for a structure of State run Authoritarian control, it is high time those who still hold dear the core values of human freedom, rights and dignity unite to destroy a common enemy.

At the party level, libertarians and conservatives are hopelessly divided, leaving the to the amorphous mob of self-described ‘moderate’, ultra-pragmatic ‘progressives’. As a result, the 'freedom group's has been deprived of flavour and charisma, unwilling and unable to fight back.

Against this weakened, confused version of its former self, these parties are confronted with an audacious, Leftist monolith and all its cultural allies in the media and institutions. Against the Left, by left I mean those against our freedom, not just the liberal crew - our newfound ‘moderation’ is hopeless. So how can conservatives, libertarians and other dissenters revive their working relationship? How can we unite?

We can do so in the immediate term by concentrating on tackling the values we don't stand for. Mutually shared disdain for 'control'enables parties focus on pressing issues like The threat of Socialism and the destruction of our civilisation and its replacement with a Sirius-like monstrosity. We need to get our act together.

Libertarians and conservatives have, as long as they have worked together, fought against the totalising, authoritarian, dehumanising state (as manifested most obviously in the USSR).
Conservatives and libertarians also share a deep antipathy towards soft, ‘centrist’, fickle progressivism – Mr Moderate.
Libertarians know that weak, ‘moderate’, progressivism, with its over-active social conscience and interventionist predisposition, paves the way for the ever-growing, bureaucratic, welfare state, and inevitably to a collectivist, totalitarian state, destroying individual liberty and the private sphere of life.

Through its constant concessions to the Left and its repeated cultural capitulations, the ‘moderate’, ‘progressive’ vision of the Liberal Party is essentially a means for reconciling the entire movement to its own destruction.
We cannot accept this fate.
To oust them, we must stand together again and reclaim the political infrastructure it needs to realise its vision. To protect and enhance a society where the individual citizen is free and equal before the law, and where the families, churches, institutions and customs are free from legislated interference, free to maintain and pass on their inherited cultural knowledge without the ‘creative’ innovations of the state.

Or maybe the focus should totally be void of any party affiliations long term, but entirely on individual opinions (values). Time will tell which strategy for unity could potentially unite the dissenting voices.


Identity politics will always do more bad than good and the problem lays within human nature. We always will put a label on people, ideologies, creed, nationalities and we tend to bring out the good and bad card, where one person is entirely good and other person is entirely bad, there isn't a middle ground.

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