It's A Dangerous Time to Be A Man.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

If you believe that flawed diatribe, read the entirity of this post. If, after reading it, you still believe it, comment below when, in your opinion, it has ever been a safe time to be a woman.


Statistically speaking, you are more likely to face trial and actually go to jail for false murder charges, than you are for false rape charges.

Yes. You read that correctly. Rape, even with a guilty plea and evidence, often ends up with no consequenses for the douche bag rapist.

Think I'm lying?


A lot of the comments in camp Kavanaugh have to do with "Why didn't she report it?!" What good would that have done???


She would still have had to see his face on campus after his families lawyers helped him get away with it.



That is, if the local police department even bothered prosessing her rape kit.


Then in court she has to answer questions about what she was wearing? Had she been drinking? Did she have any witnesses? Proof? Any friends with her when it happened? Why was she alone with him in the first place?

Essentially, the prosecution would blame the victim instead of the nasty ass rapist.


And of course, the authorities could just decide they don't believe her, even if there is a rape kit. They aren't going to process it anyway.


The only time government cares about a e woman is when it is telling her what she can or cannot do with her own body.

Men can practically kill her, rape her, humiliate her, and get away with it.


Another question from Camp Rapist Apologists is: Why now? Why bring it up now?


I am a victim of sexual assault. I was 9-years-old. I know his first name, Jason. I know he had a younger brother, Joey. Joey was my friend.

Aside from that I don't know anything about him. He threatened me to keep my silence. Shamed me. Made me feel fear. I was 9.


But I would recognize that fuckers face. And if he were put in a position to make decisions that will forever affect other people's lives, like Kavanaugh has, I would 100% speak the fuck up.


He doesn't deserve anonymity. He doesn't deserve freedom. Rapists deserve to rot away in prison. Theirs is NOT a victimless crime, unlike those who partake in a bit of marijuana who end up facing years in jail.


No one is safe from a rapist. Women, children of both genders, even other men.


But, rapists are getting away with it in astronomical number.


And yet, in spite of all examples, we have people, mostly Republican males, claiming it is "A dangerous time to be a man".


I have some sage advice for men who are afraid of being accused of rape. Get out your paper and pens so you can take notes.


1: Don't rape people.
I know, I know it's crazy, righr? Funny enough though, it works!


2: Don't go alone to parties.

If you have a straight laced friend watching over you, you will have witnesses in your favor. And maybe it will cut off any rapey impulses you might encounter.


3: Don't go out at night.

You might come across a random woman and feel the urge to rape her. The best solution to this is to (or run) quickly away if you see a lone woman out at night. Get yourself to a well lit area, so the idea of being seen by others may help you control yourself.


4: Keep your cell phone on you at all times.

Call a friend if you encounter a lone woman in the wild, again, a witness may be needed later. You can even call the police on yourself if you feel rapey. They can take you to the psych ward, where you belong.


5: Do not talk/act/dress like a rapist.

One surefire way of not being accused of rape is to avoid lewd jokes, lewd behavior, or dressing in any way that tells others you might be looking for it.




It isn't that hard. If you do not have consent, do not touch. Your right to do whatever you want with your body ends where another person's body begins.

Stop hijacking the conversation so that yet again it is the poor man whose life will be ruined.

Our bodies do not belong to men. We are not here to be used on demand.

Be an ally. Be a voice. Speak up. Don't tolerate it. And shut down any of your friends that may just be a rapist douche bag.

Love to you.


Convicted child molesters, clergy included, should be executed. This is a serial condition, and is NOT recoverable , these are rabid dogs, and a danger to society!

Rape should carry a mandatory prison sentence.

Those convicted of multiple rapes, male or female, should be neutered. I say multiple, because it is easy for one person to lie, and ex-significant others can be vindictive.

The other side of the equation, is when perjury is proven, there needs to be jail time attached! If the rapist is lying, there should be added jail time, but if the entire thing was based on a lie, that should also result in jail time. WE CAN NOT FIX THIS unless we no longer accept it! Once we decide not to accept it, we need to put teeth in out legal system, and Punish these crimes.

The only thing I would add, is that all Men are NOT Rapists, and we are NOT under French Law (Men are NOT guilty until proven innocent). What the Woman was wearing, etc must have no bearing on rape, Women should be safe; but if I find My daughter dressing like some do, she will be in trouble with Dad! If I run into my Son taking advantage of a girl, I will kick his A$$, and take him to the Police Myself!

WE ARE TOO TOLERANT of crime; Rape is becoming socially acceptable; AND THAT MUST NEVER BE ACCEPTABLE; this must be rejected by all, and carry real Jail time! Perjury also needs to be totally unacceptable, and carry stigma and jail time! This two sided coin is the ONLY way we can stop this great plague!


The statistic I just recently heard is that one out of five women have been sexually assaulted. Now try and imagine that 20% of all the girls you've known in your life have been assaulted. That of course isn't including boys who have been raped, all those Catholic priests and female teachers who raped boys (and the reaction in society seems to be, "that lucky boy got to schtup his hot teacher!") aren't rotting in jail, either, though they should be. Also consider that most rapes are by someone you know - a relation, a pastor, a teacher, a neighbor - and that even when reported, they almost always go free. If it's your family or pastor, your family/church often won't believe you and blame YOU. Consider too that being examined after you've just been raped is being violated again by inanimate objects by a doctor. And if you're still asking, "why don't they report it?"'re an idiot.

And if anybody thinks my suggestions on how men can avoid rape allegations are too harsh, this is literally what all little girls learn.

Whatever happened to chivalry? Protecting instead of hurting?


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