Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Gets Covid19, Still More Concerned With Government Response Hurting Others

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

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It is difficult to get tested in the United States for Covid-19. The late reaction of the government to this virus has been irresponsible, reactionary, and has shown little regard for public safety. From the beginning, Washington has sent conflicting signals and focused more on how they can use the virus for political gain. Those in power have sought to drive up fear and panic while looking to profit financially. Throughout the country, people are looking for reliable information. Earlier this week, the leading Libertarian Party presidential candidate, Adam Kokesh, took to Facebook to not only give leadership but to share information. The Candidate has traveled all over the country for months. On Saturday, he announced on his Facebook Livestream that he believes that he has contracted the coronavirus.

It is not certain whether Kokesh, his wife, and the driver of their campaign bus “No Force One,” have the virus. Those in government seem to be the priority for testing, leaving the people again, to guess. A good example is a recent announcement that Rand Paul has been diagnosed with the virus.

Kokesh has described his symptoms which match the Covid-19 symptoms. He also has said that he feels great and is recovering quickly. His description of the virus is, “It's a weird little flu.” Kokesh and the others have chosen to self-quarantine as they travel to his ranch in Arizona, “The Garden of Freedom.”

What troubles the activist turned presidential candidate is not the virus but the government’s response to it. Recently, the Department of Justice has sought congressional approval to suspend Habeus Corpus over the pandemic. This event is another example of how “America is too good for this government,” according to Kokesh. Each community knows how best to handle their particular situation. We can come together and help one another voluntarily and in the spirit of love. “We do not have to be united under one government to be united in American values.” He also pointed to the fact that his plan to localize government would handle a crisis better than the current model being run by the selfish and incompetent federal government. Politicians are using an “Emergency” to attack civil liberties.

Is this pandemic concerning? Kokesh answers, “absolutely and precautions should be taken.” It is not a time for panic, instead, it is a time where communities can help one another. This virus seems to affect more seriously the elderly and immunocompromised. We should be focused on helping those people instead of overhyping and frightening the healthy in order to give power to the already out of control central government.


Adam Kokesh is an Iraq war combat veteran. Through his involvement in the Marine Corps, he discovered as Smedly Butler said, “War is a Racket.” He is a published author and a long-time Libertarian activist. Kokesh has appeared in numerous films and starred in Adam vs The Man. For years, he has toured the nation, spreading the ideas of liberty. In January 2017 he announced his candidacy for the Libertarian Party nomination for President of the United States, on the platform of a peaceful, orderly dissolution of the entire federal government. “Localization is the cure for polarization.” Through this reasoned plan, Libertarians can bring together the left, right and center by giving everyone what they want from government. Together we will “Finally Free America.”

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To see what Adam Kokesh is all about,
please check out his website
or the campaign site




is he the frontrunner for the Libs? I haven't even been paying attention to the party this year, unfortunately.

My understanding is he has had the most fund raising, but has not had the most support among likely delegates; depending on your source that is either "uncommitted" or "Jacob Hornberger"

I hope he gets better soon. I like Kokesh.

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