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RE: The case for (urban) road tolls

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Man that was\is an epicly long post! (and I first saw the Norwegian version thinking man I'm lucky I cant really read Norwegian hahahaahhaha)

my guess is that they will cause havok with congestion, charges etc until one day someone who the people like, will say " right we shall all go live in mega\smart citys for everyone's convenience.. "
Driving and owning a car will be banned in the name of saving the environment, which will take peoples freedoms. Agenda 21, already implemented since the mid 90s I believe it was, is aiming to cut of public access to the country side in the name of environmental protection, and trains will shuttle workers from housing blocks to the work place, all for your convenience, and of course, not forgetting... "The Enivroment"!!

worth a watch :) Megacitys

I would really like a solar flare to wipe out the electics, then we all go back to working using horse and carts :) nature should put us in our place lol


(and I first saw the Norwegian version thinking man I'm lucky I cant really read Norwegian hahahaahhaha)


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