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RE: Trump Tweets that Cryptocurrency is Too Volatile and based on thin air. Attempts to Sell the US Dollar Without Noticing It is No Better (and Actually Worse).

in #politics5 years ago

when we get it all clear before our lifetimes are over it will be complete tyranny my friend
and that is the shame when you vote you votefor the lesser of two evils or so they say
do not vote and if you do you are hurting your fellow man weather you agree with them or not
but i do agree we will find outin our lifetime
cheers man and keep the info flowing
i apologize for my bad grammar


Voting is a statement of intent and a willingness to continue to support artificial hierarchy and all of the problems that go along with tyranny.
There are methods that are more powerful than these entities understand, but it will take more people to understand them before they are fully effective.

100 percent agrred urasoul
civil disobedience is all weve got america is an idea not a country and that idea is long long gone
so i agree with so much of what you say
everyone thinks democrats stopped slavery but that is a lie republicans did but that was when they were actullay two different parties
its a joke a people voting and condoning their own enslavement and cant see in front of their own face and most are good decent people
what a shame
keep up the good work Urasoul
i dont agree with everything you say but i know 100 percent your heart is in the right place bud
peace and starve that beast whenever you can
i try too thats for sure

Thanks, it takes a lot of communication for people to agree 100% because there's so much info going into our decisions and we haven't all had the same experiences and made the same choices etc.
I don't really think slavery ever ended, it just changed form and was extended to include as many as possible!
Here's to liberation!

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