
So you'd ignore the facts presented and construe the conclusion to mean the same things? Or what are you saying?

Okay... I thought I was following your train of thought. Now I'm thinking we're not on the same channel. That ignoring facts comment does not compute and it doesn't need to. peace

Ok I do it Slow Style:

Adam Kokesh isn't abolishing Government or even a public entity/ Hence it's not tyranny that is addressed but war.

You can do it slow style but it's not going to help YOUR comprehension.

Is my comprehension in question or yours? When did you question me again?

Right. Adam's not abolishing anything but the people will if enough of them wake up to Adam's message. Is that slow enough for you?

I never said Adam isn't abolishing anything, now did I, I think I repeated myself enough.

not true, here's your quote

What if I told you it's neither Government that he's abolishing nor a public entity even and it's, therefore, not tyranny or freedom but war or peace?

I said what he's specifically not Abolishing, not that "Adam isn't abolishing anything".

I think I've repeated myself enough. I'll chalk this one up to a failure to communicate. Go ahead, you get the last word. You don't HAVE to be rude though, just saying.. not like it's a requirement.

What facts am I ignoring and please give me the link.

it's neither Government that he's abolishing nor a public entity even

Now for the link:

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