Healthy Treats | Childhood Memories and Peppermint Nougats!

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Hi Folks! Do you ever have those days where you think about a childhood treat, reminiscing about how wonderful it used to taste? We used to enjoy this treat when we visited my Granny Bird.

Well, today Peppermints were on my mind

I know, I know what you're thinking. They’re very unhealthy! I haven’t read the label lately but I’m sure they’re full of so many high fructose this and preservative that and well, you know. Not good. But I just couldn’t let it go. That fresh and creamy Peppermint taste topped with Chocolate! Yep, I wanted a Peppermint Patty

Exit stage left…the Bird heads for the kitchen, tweeting mind you. lol

If you’re game, I’m game. I’m sure I can make something similar and healthy!

Bird Style!


Bird’s Peppermint Nougats

These are so easy to make, and basically made with items you probably have in your pantry!


  • Raw Cashews (1/2 cup)
  • Coconut Oil (1/2 cup)
  • Raw Honey or Organic Maple Syrup (3 tbsp.)
  • Coconut Milk (2 tbsp.)
  • Peppermint Extract (1tsp)
  • Dairy Free Dark Chocolate Chips (3/4 cup)
  • Optional: Crushed Peppermint

The Night Before..

you’ll want to cover your cashews in hot water. Let them soak overnight, drain and rinse them in the morning. Toss everything except the Chocolate Chips in to your high speed blender.. and blend away! Be patient…it takes a few minutes! Check the mixture periodically cleaning the sides of the blender. I knew this had to be perfectly creamy!! No lumps! How about a little taste here, of course I did!
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If its Peppermint..

you want, well I just happened to have a little peppermint candy cane handy. Just a smidge will do!
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Into the molds…

of your choice. I used a muffin tin, spreading about 2 tbsp. into each cup, and a candy mold I had in the pantry. Into the freezer for about an hour! I knew they needed to be pretty solid before I poured hot chocolate over the little nougats!
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Now the tricky…

Part begins. You’ll need parchment and preferably a rack of some sort. I used an oven rack but really anything to elevate these guys. Melt your chocolate and after carefully removing the peppermint from the molds, drizzle the chocolate over the nougats. Chocolate everywhere! Back into the freezer for about 20 minutes, then flip the nougats and drizzle chocolate over the bottoms. Back to the freezer until you’re ready to enjoy them!
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Sweet Peppermint Dreams my friends!

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Oh my goodness, you’ll love these treats! No processed sugars, no preservatives! Don't worry, I'm not eating all of these! I'm having friends over for dinner tomorrow! They'll love them! You’ll be chirping for more! And they’re fresh! I hope you’ll try them and let me know what you think! Thanks for stopping by!
And as always, blessings to you all




The STEEM Engine


Oh I need one of these in my life right now... I mean RIGHT NOW. lol So please email me one. I will print it out, eat the paper, and imagine the taste. :P lol jk

Another amazing recipe as always. Thank you for sharing it with us. Have an amazing day. :)

lol, you are too funny! Thank you my friend! i do wish I could share some with you! If you have a weakness for chocolate...this will do it for you! :) Have a wonderful weekend!

These sound wonderful! 😀

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Thanks so much! I actually served them to our friends last night and they liked them. I never know the reactions when serving "healthy" desserts :)

They do look scrumptious. Very inventive of you to come up with them. I'd have never thought of making peppermint cream from raw cashews, coconut oil, coconut milk, maple syrup, the dried out rind of an orange, three cranberries left over from last Thanksgiving, a couple of crushed egg shells (free range organic brown only). a dollop of any fruit pulp you have in the freezer -- and whatever else went in there. (The garbage man must love you.)

oh my goodness....didn't I tell you Mr. Bird is a garbage man? lol, jk You are a hoot, I read this twice and am still laughing.. Since I've laid of the juice pulp recipes and added back more chocolate and peanut butter I thought you would be delighted! You know I'm a resourceful kind of gal :) or perhaps a mad scientist!

I really did not know one got healthy sweeties but of course when my birdy friend gets going in the kitchen, magic happens, these look sooo good!

I know, I sound like a broken record with all of these sweets...I figure my dinner recipes would be too boring to share with you all. lol This is what happens when I have food cravings, Thanks @lizelle , you are too kind:)

I need to give these a go. I loved peppermint chocolates as a child!

I hope you will, they're so easy to make and wonderful straight from the freezer! Nice right after dinner as a little sweet treat!

Ah, this is torture by pictures...

lol, but it is good! Doesn't take much to make, and so worth it! Thanks for stopping by :)

They look awesome. And I really love the combination of peppermint and chocolate.

Thank you @ikarus56, this is a wonderful combination, especially as a sweet after dinner treat!

Sounds different, looks good, sit back and enjoy your creation!

It was good @joanstewart! I made this for guests! They loved it, so I guess it was a success :) Thank you!

These look yummy. 👍👍

Thank you! I'm so glad you stopped by and enjoyed them :) Have a great weekend!

Oooh these look incredible - like a homemade peppermint patty! My grandmother used to give us each one following dinner at her house...

I know, my Grandmother gave them to us as well! That was what drove me to make these. A great memory right? Thanks @aejackson, appreciate the kind words!

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