Quill's Contest Pay-Outs

With The Great Delegation Wars over, it is time to resume the routines of normal Steemit life. To refocus upon those dreams that were forestalled and to recommit to doing more than one post per week. And, to pay off all those Contest Post Winners ... who are notorious for having excellent memories.

Alright, so here we go:

"QuillFire Roast or Toast" Contest

As you will recall, the deal was that I would evenly divide 25 SBI between either the Roasters or the Toasters, depending upon which group had the most participants. As usual, no one followed the Rules (and no cheeky comments about me never following other people's Contest Rules ... two wrongs don't make a right.) Most troublesome was nearly everyone's propensity to do both ... a Roasting Toast or a Toasting Roast. How does one tease apart the salutation from the salacious?

So, what Katie (the Contest was her idea) and I decided to do was divide the 25 SBI evenly between all participants. I know, I know ... pirates don't like to have their booty diminished and you were all expecting a huge payout so you could use it as a down payment on a Yellow Lambo. But this is what happens when pirates ... behave like pirates. I included @fynncoyle1's comment as an entry even though, technically, it wasn't one. Why? Because all her moaning and groaning was enough to be deemed a Roast ... and because I owe her big time and am just looking for ways to reduce the size of my indebtedness.   

And so, the not-so-soon-to-be-Lambo owners are:

@savagekathryn (5 SBI) 

@blockurator (5 SBI) 

@hlezama (5 SBI) 

@old-guy-photos (5 SBI); and 

@lynnboyle1 (5 SBI)

"They Call Him Dan" Write The Next Stanza Contest

This Contest set a blockchain record for Participant Non-Rule-Following ... and consider the source. Facing Industrial-Scale Disqualification, I decided to throw out the Rule Book and counted, as an entry, anything that could possibly be construed as poetic. Uninhibited by constraints on meter, rhythm, rhyme scheme, stanza length, subject matter ... or, in some cases, the use of an alphabet ... the Participant's creativity exploded. Excluding those that submitted paintings (a step too far), the Winners are (3 STEEM per Win):

Stanza 1 - @girlbeforemirror ... 3 STEEM (For an incredible 6-stanza entry ... this gal's got literary chops).

Stanza 2 - @blueeyes8960 (3 STEEM) and @manoldonchev (3 STEEM)

Stanza 3 -  @blockurator (3 STEEM), @joeylim (3 STEEM) and @manoldonchev (3 STEEM)

Stanza 4 -  @joeylim (3 STEEM); and

Stanza 5 -  @blockurator (3 STEEM) and @allyinspirit (3 STEEM)

* I do not, at the moment, have sufficient liquid SBD to pay all the SBI Prizes at once, but I will have over the next 2-3 days. So, be patient ... as the money trickles in, so shall it trickle out.  


To all the Winners of both Contests, including @lynncoyle1, congratulations and thank you so much for your participation. Don't spend it all in one place. 



You guys know the QuillDrill. Be verbose ... but articulate.

And remember ...   

Go Love a Starving Poet   

For God's sake ... they're starving!  


It's all good

I noticed that. He got it right once and that is all it takes. :)

I bet you, @rebeccabe, it's a test for us and to annoy @lynncoyle1! Now we have probably rained on @quillfire's parade!

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haha @fionasfavourites! You got it right ... just to bug me :)

Yes, and then I go and make the same mistake. Hahaha! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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As I've told my daughter for years: If boys like you, they'll tease you. If they don't like you, they'll tease you. It's your job to figure which is which. :-)


This, I know. Learned from my Dad. Hate to say this, but you, he (were he still around) and The Husband would make a terrible threesome....

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I spelled Lynn's username wrong. ONCE. Nevertheless, she started nagging me about it. And so, I decided to give her something to nag me about. :-) I am perennially in trouble with women for a reason.

Ah, I just noticed the time ... I need to break for lunch. BTW, how's Princess Pearli?


Ha! So I was right! As I said to @rebeccabe... Princess Pearli is as a Princess does. The Cat's Mother: to bed. Perchance to dream.

With the appropriate apologies...

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now you sound like @wales .. lol
I am not sure what it all means but I am with you.. Are you going to bed now?

Haha! @rebeccabe - I was using English idiom and bastardising Will(iam)-that- rhymes-with-Quill Shakespeare for @quillfire. Just because I can. And I just slept 7 hours, so yes!

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Our Fiona is quoting the Great Bard, Shakespeare.



Perchance to dream is a dead give away for Hamlet and then I thought no, no .. it must be the Twilight Zone.. 1959

Closing Narration:
They say a dream takes only a second or so, and yet in that second a man can live a lifetime. He can suffer and die, and who's to say which is the greater reality: the one we know or the one in dreams, between heaven, the sky, the earth - in the Twilight Zone.

Edit: Remember, everything is relative and @wales is a good teacher for us all.

"To sleep, perchance to dream" is, yes, Hamlet. Happily, I dont suffer as Macbeth did:

“Macbeth does murder sleep - the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast.”

So I slept. No dreams. 💃😂

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I haven't had a chance to thank you for the payout. Appreciated. I really wasn't expecting, and forgot about the contest. It was cool seeing it though. Thanks!


Hey Block.

You earned every penny. What's a Contest without contestants?


Thabk you for the initiative and congratulations to the winner

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Love a starving poet? I thought they already died.

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We are starving ... to death. It's a process. :-)


A new Thank you for your initiative and all you did then! And for the appreciation. I hope it proves good for you, too!


Manny, you know what I just noticed ... you've got a Rep Score of 60. Well guess who's at 59.299! I'm hot on your heels, brother. So you better start producing!!! :-)

Thanks for your great participation. Contests aren't much fun if no one jumps in.


Yeah, I know that ;) Still, this is what it looks like for now. I hope a few years from now we have zounds of eager participants :P

*You can't pay me off.
(now that should be worth something. haha!)


It is emblematic of ... something ... that here on Steemit, "payoffs for malfeasance," of one kind or another, are often for amounts that would not buy a small coffee at McDonald's. We need to set our sights higher. :-)


Would you like to put a check in the mail?
How about 10,000.00 in silver to me ups
(just having fun)


Fair enough ... the check is in the mail. I promise. :-)


Silver please ...lots of people say the check is in the mail.


The silver is in the mail.


lol right ...

Quill, all my life as far as I can remember, I've never won anything. Maybe that's because I don't enter contests, all that much.

I've always disliked art contests in particular with winners and non-winners ~ How can anyone's piece of work be a non-winner if they put something of themselves into it?

But somehow contests at Steemit aren't like the 'norm' and I can enter them easily, with no expectations. And then to see that someone appreciates what I've done, gives me so much encouragement to do more.

You have such a flair for words. It's a pleasure to read your stanzas. And break the rules. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


I freely admit that it is the "prejudice of poets," but I have always believed that poetry is the quintessential Art Form. The reason is that you don't need anything but yourself. No paints and paintbrushes, no hammer and chisels and no musical instruments.

Just your mind.

Words are the containers of ideas, ideals and insights and their manipulation, as in poetry, is the manipulation of one's manner of thought. That's powerful mojo.

Consider the last couple of lines of your entry:

So eloquent is he:
Who brought Dan to his knee.
Was that Shakespeare he heard?
Or the Tweet of a Bird.
That opened his heart:
To the arts.

Those bolded lines ... that's a Big Deal.

In modern times, most people will say something like, "Oh, I'm not into poetry ... but I love THAT poem." Hmmm. Doesn't that mean that they're actually only into ... "Good Poetry?" The same could be said of songs. People would actually hate 99% of songs that are produced every year but the music industry has a much better "Curation Process" than does the poetry industry. Hence, most people only ever hear the "Best of Songs."

Indeed, it is a "Curation Process" that is so fundamental to the acceptance of any Art Form ... and the reason I'm so upset about the game-rigging on Steemit that destroys curation. For Steemit to succeed, a "legitimate" Curation Process must exist. We'll need reforms.

Great job on the Contest, Ally ... and keep those words coming. :-)


Oh, I'll certainly do all I can to not stand in the way of the words coming.

I'm really with you on the necessity of authentic Curation Processes for Steemit Quill. I've had the germ of an idea for ages of setting up a 'Gallery' ~ As distinct from a Contest or Challenge. The idea started forming, pre-Steemit, as a member of another photo-sharing site and Steemit would provide the ideal place for it. The idea is on hold at the moment, but not totally forgotten.

Reflecting on Poetry as being the quintessential Art Form: I don't have a lot of 'material possessions' in the usual sense, but I do have boxes and boxes of all sorts of bits and pieces I've gathered from the bushland, to make my 'art pieces' 😊

I'm thinking now that I'll ask if I can come back as a poet next time. 😊

@quillfire thank you!! (:

Really enjoyed myself participating in this Complete the Stanza contest.

More to come in the future? :P


And I thank you. Contests are nothing without participants and you proved yourself a very talented one at that.


Thank you Quill and Katie! And I see the name-butchering will continue :) @lynnboyle1 renders me speechless; that's all I see is a face full of boils. Do you think I'm pretty ???


Boils and all.


Now that's what I call a true friend :)

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