P2PS The new blockchain based privacy focused file transfer platform

in #privacy6 years ago (edited)

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A new blockchain based P2P privacy network

One of the biggest issues of the 21st century has been digital privacy. How often have you heard that "nothing is private online"? Well why not? What is wrong with privacy? What if you could send a file and the only people who could see it were the sender and the receiver? That has been a dream, until now.

P2PS is a peer to peer communications platform run on the blockchain where you can exchange data privately with no outside interference. Payment to use the system will be done with the ERC20 P2PS token.

Potential customers

Some of the potential markets for this technology are huge. I am constantly worried while doing online banking that my computer was hacked, imagine a system where that cannot happen. The only reason your bank isn't using blockchain secured data transfer is because such a system did not exist, until now.

P2PS are marketing the technology to some big players, think of the military applications when it comes to top secret documents and communications. The secure transmission of classified information is essential, lives are at stake. There really is no comparable way to transmit information secretly right now. High tech spying has reached levels of sophistication that make sending delicate information by regular e-mail a terrible idea. We have seen this play out in real life too, Wikileaks has published hundreds of thousands of supposedly "classified" documents. It's not paranoia to say that private communications are not private these days, that has been established beyond a doubt.

Even beyond the banking/government/military applications, there are tons of real world uses for this technology. Corporate spying is a massive problem today, even state sponsored corporate spying by players like China and Russia. If you have proprietary plans you want to send from your office to your manufacturing plant there is no secure way to do it, Email, fax, and regular mail can all be compromised. This is the only really secure method, using the blockchain. Even so called private intranets used by corporations can be hacked and spied upon.

Other parties who could benefit from the technology

  • Journalists
  • Political dissidents
  • Whistleblowers
  • Oppressed groups worldwide

There are places in the world two gay people communicating online could be jailed or even killed, this technology allows for private secure communications between two parties. It's better than encrypted mail, TOR, or any other of the supposedly private ways to communicate, because it uses blockchain.

There is already a demand

Often when I read about new coins I ask myself "Why would would anyone buy this coin?" It's an essential question for me, a token may be cool but what is the real world market for it? I really like the business model on P2PS If you want to transfer data on the system you need to use the token. I personally would prefer to just using a coin than getting a bill or signing up and paying monthly fees. There are places in the world where the banking systems are not compatible with western systems and huge parts of the population are 'unbanked" anyway. Using a coin allows the system to be utilized by a much bigger segment of the world population, and it is far more private than a charge on your credit card.

What if I want to send a copyrighted file to someone? The existing peer to peer torrent networks are pretty much the opposite of private. I get notices from my internet provider of copyright violations all the time, there are places in the world where that could result in a huge fine. This network is private, no one but the sender and receiver know the contents.

The whitepaper makes a good point: The so called free networks have used advertising to pay for their systems, but it has almost always come at the expense of privacy. It may seem free at first, but the price is paid later, with your private information. I am sure many people would rather spend cryptocurrency and make a private transfer of data if given the choice.

What if instead of free content, with ads, you had the option to pay for it with this coin? The content creator would benefit, but so would the consumer. You don't have to join anything, no monthly fees, no ad supported "free sites". The current system of content is controlled by huge monopolistic mega conglomerates, P2PS would allow content to be sold from the people who made it directly to the end consumer. This could allow the small independent media who make movies and music and TV programming to have access to consumers directly. It could very well become a game changer for independent content producers. They can get their content to the people without having to be part of the mega entertainment corporations.

Even youtube is unreliable these days, not everyone qualifies for monetization, and even if they do Youtube can delete their channel on a whim. This is a direct method to get your content to consumers with no greedy middleman.

As a privacy advocate / enthusiast I am really interested in this project, I think it's viable and could be the future of data transfer. Check it out:

Whitepaper: https://www.p2psf.org//wp-content/uploads/2017/12/P2PS_Whitepaper_V1.1_English.pdf

website https://www.p2psf.org/

This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x.


Increasing privacy is going to be big business for sure

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