I Guess I Don't Understand Steem Private Keys Afterall

in #private6 years ago


For the first time ever six months into my Steem venture I've decided to change to my private keys. I'm tired of services using my vote without my permission. @steemengineteam was using my vote to upvote itself every night at like 2 AM. @smartsteem kept selling my vote slightly before the mark that I set it to (99%). I'm on this platform plenty of hours I don't need to sell my vote and I don't need to upvote myself stealthily. Time for a change.

Apparently you can't just change your posting key you have to change all of them at the same time. Whatever, no problem. What I do have a problem with is even after I reset all my keys @smartsteem still has access to my posting key. How? In fact, all services connected to SteemConnect seem to still have access to my account. How? Does this imply that my keys are being stored in a centralized database?


Am I taking crazy pills here? How can everything still have access to my account when I've changed all the keys? Seems sketchy. I must have relogged into SteemConnect with my posting key and not realized it and it gave permissions back to all these services. Is the Steemit login directly linked to SteemConnect? Who knows.

It's little things like this that don't matter much but make you realize just how complicated this whole space is. Even the simplest thing can be confusing to some. As a community, we need to try and make the cryptosphere as simple as possible to pave the way for mainstream adoption.


Have you tried to login directly at SteemConnect? Hopefully there's a way to revoke those permissions there.

I revoked 3 of them, but at the same time if you go directly to https://steemconnect.com/ I don't even see a login. @smartsteem wasn't a visible option but smartsteem also gives you the ability to turn it off directly from their site. It's all a little strange

Is it possible, @edicted, that these authorizations remained, but for the old private keys, so they weren't really effective? Were you able to use any of the apps, without re-authorizing it via SteemConnect?

In any case, they should have been removed, it's confusing as you said.

Yes, @smartsteem sold my vote and I was still able to auto login to my account.

I don't think this is normal behavior either. When private keys are changed, all authorizations should be either revoked or invalidated so that a re-login is required.

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