Let's get started, Hi everyone

in #programming7 years ago

Hi, I am @raycoms and I am, like you may figure, new here.

I'm not very used to writing free text, I prefer expressing myself in code.
So I followed the basic guidelines of

If newHere

Greet everyone politely and say Hi.

But, I have noticed that a lot of people have difficulties getting started in coding.
There are quite a lot of coding tutorials out there, explaining every single detail of every single programming language out there, but I noticed that besides that people have a really hard time to get motivated.

So, I thought I will start with a different approach.

Every few days/ every week I will publish a post with a coding challenge.

I know there are tons already, continue reading

But, contrary to the existing coding challenges my coding challenges will start off extremely easy and will become harder while we progress.
While we progress I'll be happy to take a look at your code and offer some constructive criticism.
Every time I'll publish a new challenge, I will publish my own personal solution to the problem to give people a baseline.

But now I'll just stop talking and prepare myself to post the first challenge in the next few days.



Great idea! Welcome, it's good to have more programmers on board. I'll be keeping an eye on your challenges.

This sounds like a great idea. As much as I enjoy fussing around with computers (and Linux) I've never managed to code more than a few lines in Visual Basic. Let's see if I can keep up!

So, I'll wait for your contribution before publishing my solution and the next challenge =)

Oh - don't wait on my account, please! Looking at what's up already, I'd definitely hold back the class.

Hey Ray 👋

Hi there =D

Hi @raycoms! Glad you are here.

Welcome @raycoms! The coding challenges sound super interesting. I'm not doing much coding these days (used to as a kid) but I'll look forward to enjoying 'em vicariously ;)

Great to hear, looking forward to seeing the first entries =)

Awesome! Glad to have you active here :)

Looking forward to your first challenge!

I will count on you solving all of them!
At least in your head =P

Good post . Thkas

I also hoped to receive a nice welcome like your friend : P I try to do it again xD

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