Special Prevention Manual: Protect your electrical equipment.


In light of the recent electrical problems that our Venezuelan fellows are facing, Project Milkbox wants to share some suggestions to protect their electrical and electronic equipment.

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1. Do not flick the switch (breaker) off.

These equipment (circuit breakers) protect against the sudden electrical power rise, if you lower them, you turn them off and they will not be able to fulfill their function, what you should do each week is to verify their status and that they are in their correct position, and if a failure deactivates them, solve the problem before activating them again.

2. Buy surge protector for the most important equipment in your house.

Refrigerators, computers, air conditioners, washing machines, dryers and kitchens are some examples of equipment that should be connected to a current protector.

3. Keep electrical equipment that you are not using unplugged.

Blenders, phone chargers, hair dryers and fans are some examples of equipment that are not usually used or are connected to an electric protector permanently.

4. Do not overload an outlet with too much equipment.

Try to use only one extension cord per power outlet and avoid having more than one power equipment connected to a power outlet, for example: two hair dryers connected to the same outlet or two stoves connected to the same outlet can cause a failure and an elevation of the temperature that will generate other damages.

5. Consult an expert or someone with experience, in case of any failure presented.


Good recommendations to take into account, and many more problems with the electric current.
Good vibes.

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