How Do You Promote Steeemit and People Join???

in #promo-steem6 years ago

What is the best way of promoting Steemit that produces instant and massive results..??

This question has puzzled me for the last weeks ever since i made a year on Steemit which was last month.


Methods Used So Far

1. Classroom Presentations

I looked through all what I have done in the year and was reviewing my promotional activities!

I remember when I just joined I talked to students of my former universityand surprisingly a few joined....The truth is most refused to understand...!!

I did presentations almost daily to the Faculty of Science and Technology as I expected this folks to understand crypto.

I am now beginning to think that the strategy of big classroom presentations to students did not work out well.

Is it my strategy that didn't work or the target market(students) that was wrong???

These two scenarios above are hard to give me a straight answer....I guess it's the students of Uganda who are just not ready for this new technology!!!

I also remember moving to several universities here in Uganda with my other team Uganda members.


It also happens that the majority of these university students didn't join.... Could it be that they are not yet ready.....??

I have all these assumptions in my mind/head!!!

I am also beginning to think is it because we as team Uganda brand Steemit as free to join(which is true!!) or?????

2. One on Ones

I did one on one's with friends and most of them joined me... The current guys on Steemit came through one on ones!!

This to me have been effective as I guess because of the ample time I spent with a person! It has to be noted also that not all friends I have talked to have joined!!

This method is great but brings in a small number of people.....!!!

There's another interesting thing I have seen or observed in the active Ugandans..these are folks who have completed school and are more responsible for their lives!!!

I have seen all the active guys are folks who finished school and are facing the real world head on unlike students who are not yet responsible for their lives.

It seems then that we as Team Uganda should make strategies on promoting Steemit to folks who are out of school...!!!

We need to reduce on the presentations to students and increase to folks who finished school.

The people who graduated or out of school will understand Steemit more than students who are still being given money from home!!!

The only challenge now is accessing these people who are out if school.

It's at this point that I ask all of you who promote Steeemit to give us team Uganda the methods you use that have been successful in your promos.

We shall be very grateful for your help folks as we want to increase the number of people who benefit from this wonderful Steeemit opportunity....

What Methods Have You used to Promote Steeemit That have been Successful??

Jarau Moses


Thanks Jarau - you are a legend and you have some great results... no one will know the local demographics like you ….to answer your question are there any summer clubs, camps, festivals where you can engage with the young out of school - or can you turn to social media...
I just have one problem - why isn't your name on my map yet!!!


You have given me some ideas in those examples and much appreciated.

I will be in the map soon ..

jarau, i would suggest that you try churches especially youth confrences....there are many followers to harvest. i will be helping on this front.

Hello Jara,

I love your t-sharts , This is great thing to make more friends on the Steemit.

we do usually made new friends like you and keep supporting his growth.

also we have great community with @mgsc

At least I wasn't hesitant to joining steemit because I understood the fruits of the platform and I hope we keep the chain of promoting Steemit @jaraumoses

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