Parrots are fun, social and chatty ...... Are you?

in #psychology6 years ago

Galahs, cockatoos and lorikeets belong to the parrot family. They are Australian birds commonly seen in gardens, the bush and towns. Parrots are really risers so if you are privileged to have them visiting you at dawn, you are also awake to hear their fun daredevil noise and antics. These birds are omnivores - they eat both meat and vegetables. More commonly parrots eat nuts, seeds, flowers and insects. Mostly they like seeds. I know because lorikeets call from the trees to put seed in our feeders in the early morning.

Parrots mate for life unless one dies or they fail to produce young. If this is the case, they ditch each other and find other mates. Very cut and dried behaviour. Interesting?

Just in case you have not had the chance of seeing any of these birds I am posting photos of them. Note that the birds are in pairs or groups in the photos. They are highly social fun seeking groupie birds.

Firstly, hare at the pretty pink and grey galahs.

Here is the cockatoo, they are the larger sized parrot and tend to destroy branches of trees and the wooden decks of houses. I am told that they sharpen their beaks by doing this.

I took this photograph of these lorikeets when they were having noisy fun on my clothesline one morning.

Do you have parrot type of behaviour characteristics? Are you social and chatty with others in the workplace or in your friendship group? Parrots have an important role to play. They are future orientated, creative and always looking for something new. Parrots build relationships with others. They are network builders. People like parrots; they are friendly and chatty. The downside to being a parrot is the tendency to gossip and not get enough work done.

If you are thinking that you have some characteristics of parrots but cannot see yourself as totally a parrot then your are right. It is more common to be a mixture of two or more bird behaviours. Like for example one can exhibit parrot behaviours and dove/pigeon behaviours. So that means that you are a social and chatty as well as being a peacemaker. Dove are good at self-reflection. I know that I fit into these two groups!

Have a happy day.

Enjoy reading and please comment.


howdy there @angiemitchell! I think everyone on Steemit is a Parrot! lol. great photos of some wonderful birds!

You are so right @janton, haha. We like to chat. The bird life is fun.

These are amazing shots of awesome creatures. Wow, I haven't never seen a pink parrot before. Looking at the characteristics of the amazing creatures really do inspire one and we can all thank God for giving us such a wonderful Nature.

It's all cool. I'm better than those creatures when it comes to characters 😁😁. I hope you had a nice weekend Angie.

Galahs are one of my favourites @Tobah. We are blessed to have birds in our life.

So True 😊

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