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RE: The Wonderful Mystery of Being "In the Flow!"

in #psychology6 years ago

I think if you're in any kind of relationship where there are financial expectations, "flow" can be difficult to achieve in your scenario. I've been experiencing the exact opposite of it of late, as it sounds like you were until the prices got low.

If my wife didn't have expectations of money now, I'd be okay. Better, anyway. I don't have expectations of instant success—I do have them of some success, however, and sometimes that can feel fleeting even when it's really not.

I have, however, experienced times of flow, certainly, including in writing. Words just downloaded. Lately, I've had more stress. I guess flow comes and goes, like a lot of things in life.


Hi Glen!

I occasionally come back to that old saying "Dance like nobody's watching" as a bit of a metaphor for finding flow. And I perhaps "lost" a bit of my flow because I allowed life to get to a place where it felt like there were LOTS of people/expectations "watching."

I was always a louse performer "under pressure;" a great one when "nothing significant" was being required. In some ways, that has been the bane of my existence, as it seems counter to how a lot of people work.

When "flow" happens while I am writing, it feels like I am just a "typist" taking dictation and trying to keep up with a stream of interesting idea that come from... "a higher source?" or maybe my subconscious? I don't know, exactly. But yes, it definitely comes and goes...

I'm okay with the higher source idea. Personally, I don't need to take credit for everything, especially when it feels like words I'm not capable of streaming together on my own. At least not so quickly. I actually really enjoy being the typist, as opposed to the word hunter or wordsmith.

I understand the under pressure performer too. Been there done that. Not sure why. In my case, it seems to be linked to humility, or a reminder that again, some higher source is ultimately at work. That's okay, too. I don't seem to need much for my ego to push me beyond my abilities to deliver. Talk about pressure!

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