Stress symptoms in men

in #psychology7 years ago

While there are some common symptoms of stress that affect both men and women, many of the stress symptoms in men are vastly different from those that manifest for women. If you know what to look for, you can take positive steps to deal with stress before more serious problems arise.

The early symptoms of stress are found across the board—stress symptoms in men often begin with fatigue, exhaustion and an inability to focus. The difference between stress-related fatigue and normal feelings of tiredness is that no matter how much or how soundly a man sleeps, he cannot shake the exhaustion and lack of focus. The feeling is emotional as well as physical. Eventually this feeling of exhaustion becomes a stressor unto itself and can lead to irregular sleep and insomnia, which only serves to increase the exhaustion.


As feelings of exhaustion and lack of focus build, stress symptoms in men become more serious. Due to the lack of focus, performance decreases and feelings of anxiety and guilt arise, leading to a sense of inadequacy. Our society puts a great deal of pressure on men to excel and succeed, and when a man is not doing as well as he thinks he should, he feels as though he is not living up to others’ expectations. In such cases, stress symptoms in men can lead to even more stress. It can seem like a downward spiral from which there is no escape.

Men who are overcome with feelings of inadequacy and guilt tend to react with irritability and anger. Sudden outbursts and extreme mood swings are other stress symptoms in men that can occur as the situation becomes more extreme. Since they tend to internalize their emotions, stress symptoms in men can take on physical qualities—headaches, stiff and achy muscles and a lack of sex drive can all be symptoms that arise when a man internalizes his stress and does not take steps to deal with the issue. Other stress symptoms in men include a marked change in appetite—either a loss or increase, and sudden changes in weight. If a man suddenly loses or gains a great deal of weight, this can be a sign of stress.

These, however, are minor compared to what can happen if stress symptoms in men are ignored.  In severe cases, stress can lead to serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, and even heart attacks. The change in appetite can lead to eating disorders, and the feelings of helplessness and guilt can lead to self-medication through alcohol or other drugs. Digestive problems and ulcers can result from stress as well.

If you are experiencing symptoms of stress, you should not be hesitant in taking steps to reduce these feelings. Meditation, relaxation techniques, hobbies, or even physical activity can be useful means of dealing with stress symptoms in men, and never hesitate to speak to a qualified counselor. With dedication to managing symptoms, stress symptoms in men need not be debilitating to your lifestyle.


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