Psychology: Excellence Not Required Growth

in #psychology5 years ago

Hey! Friends,

A weekend is here and another election weekend to determine who each state governor is going to be in my country.
When people talk about excellent they believe it must go alongside with growth. Excellence never based on growth. As the world becoming more obsessed with validation and comparison the thought of many stands with you must either be in position one, position two or three, if not you better not get involved in the competition. This is the mind in football competition and some other games.

Today I came to tell you that you don't need to be so professional to learn the most important thing in sports. Again, there is one important thing and that is bust your butt no matter the level you find yourself.

Pixabay: Start

Yes, it's a cool and nice thing to master your craft, skill to grow but again it's very important to push yourself. You are looking at it like pushing myself can be liking to mastering my craft but when you push yourself you learn more from the process of pursuing excellence than from the products of achieving it.

Intelligence is not a matter of curiosity then, start the action and bust your butt.

Are you asking this question in my mind that what of if the only choice you have is to be curious in order to become smarter, skilled and stronger? Or you are thinking of greatness and what came into your mind is a willingness to try something new even if it felt uncomfortable, do I start such slow March to greatness?

Ok, thinking of this also.

You want to improve your work and you ask what if I battle through the frustration of producing something mediocre?

Or are you one of those willing to be vulnerable and thinking of putting your skin in the game to start your own business?
See, whether you will end up being worst or best the bottom line is, do you willing to start?

Looking at this information above closely still revealed to me that the more you believe that starting is the little things thing in life that makes the biggest difference then you are ready for excellence. You need to step into the field and play the game. You need to stand up in the meeting and ask questions to clear your thought, the assumption can never lead to excellence until you act but doing something (start).
Are you ready to take a risk?
Are you ready to get started?
Are you ready to contribute something? Or you are still thinking of what the outcome will produce?

Your thought of whether or not I will end up being number one in the world is irrelevant. The major drawboard is that the value you provide isn't nearly as important as pushing yourself to provide it.

This is a short piece, but still, I hit my point by revealing my mind to you, take the courage to start what you want to do is more important than thinking succeeding because the people who consistently get started are the only ones who can end up finishing anything, not those that keep on thinking. Get started now.


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