Psychology: The Invisible Hand

in #psychology5 years ago

Hello, Friends!

When you find a moment to think nature some understanding flows into your thought and the moment you get them to write them down and work with it, this shows your progress. Two days ago I dropped important info on One Sentence A Day if you have not read it, go for it. I was thinking about one invisible hand that has a great effect on our lives and as I was thinking it led me to how plants grow without motivation from the planter (farmer). Before I open the bottled surprised about the invisible hand careful get this understanding of cultivation.


Pixabay: Environment Protection

In Nigeria, though I am not good in history I knew that exporting groundnut, cashew, and some other crops was a normal thing in Nigeria until our government promoted the use of inorganic fertilizer because many hectares of lands own by government needs enough fertilizer for the crop to live and grow.

North region in Nigeria is one of the regions that take farming important due to many hectares of land available in those areas. When you place Lagos and North region in Nigeria side by side you will see a clear picture of technology. The northern transported there goods to Lagos and sell while most of Lagosian live modern Life (technology). This review does not show that some part of northern is not sound in technology but the Percentage cannot be compared with those in Lagos. Don't Forget The Invisible Hand?

Most times we tend to believe our habits are a product of our motivation, talent, and effort. Yes! All these qualities matter but I tell you over a long time your personal characteristics tend to get overpowered by this invisible hand.

You begin to think of this invisible hand.

Let me brought this to your notice that there is a farmer in Lagos but again no evidence shows that farmer in a northern part of Nigeria are more talented or more motivated than those in Lagos but they were able to spread their goods around the nation. I came to an understanding that your environment has an effect on what you do and the result you get.

The invisible hand that shapes human behavior is the Environment. You are looking at maximizing your odds of success, friends you need to operate in an environment that will accelerate your results rather than hinders them.

Are you thinking of how to build a better environment?

Sequel to my engagement there are many ways of building an environment that promotes success, I will show you three important strategies;

  • Automation Of Good Decisions

You need to strive and design an environment that makes good decisions for you. You ask how? Don't laugh this matter, if you are someone that eat much and you discovered that you need to lose weight, while not get smaller plates that reduce your portion of food size you take? Lol.. you want to be time conscious, then you need to create an environment of automation that can remind you when it's time to act.

  • You Need To Get In The Flow

Do you have a pattern that works for you? You need to design a habit in the flow of your present pattern. Like for you that like gyms, if you have the gym center on your way back home from the office, it is very possible for you to branch and exercise than having it 10 minutes away in which is in opposite direction of your commune.

  • Eliminate The Negative Influences.

From history, I understood that Farmers did not have the opportunity to remove some barriers because your understanding and no support but presently you can remove it if you venture into the profession. Do you know that you have the capacity to reduce the negative influence in your environment? Look at what surrounds you and write the negative you see and turn them to positive.

Many are quick to blame there environment especially when this goes poorly like you lose a game, you declared it's because the officiating was bad. Like how some of my staff use to do when they are late to resume in the office, it's because traffic was insane and huge. It's very cleared that the moment we win, we try to forget the environment during that period

Here! What's important is for you to remember that the environment drives our good behaviors as well as bad ones. See, if you are someone that stick to good habits at all times with ease with are all often benefitting from an environment that makes those behaviors easier.

On the other hand, if are part of those that struggle to succeed could be fighting an uphill battle against their environment. See if you have a problem of willpower it's a result of a poor environment.

I will end this by letting my mind out to say to you that this life is a game and to play your card well for better results over a sustained period of time, the best strategy is to play the game in an environment that favors you. Winner will always win because their environment makes winning easier... You think about your environment with your output then draw out the conclusion of your success, now and in the future.

Thanks for reading.


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