Psychology: Think For Yourself

in #psychology5 years ago

Hey, Folks!

There is much reality in life if we must succeed and when we apply them its become like magic but it's just a reality of existence.

Do you have a moment to think of the first principle? Are asking what does this entail? Well, I will take my hammer and break this with all sincerity and an open mind I hope you pick something out of it.

Pixabay: Creativity

One of the most effective strategies I've to make use of and I'm still using is the application of the first principle for breaking down complicated problems but it always results in generating original solutions. Friends, let's me shock you with this, looking for a single best approach to learn how to think for yourself, the first principle might be the answer.

From histories, many great thinkers, scientist, inventor even the ancient philosopher called Aristotle used this approach. I will all cherish the approach Elon Musk the entrepreneur used.

Because you are wealthy does not cancel out the power of the first principle. The application of the first principle can turn around your story to the whole world and you become a legend and enter the record of great men and women.

Do you remember what happened in 2002 when Elon Musk sent a rocket to Mars? It's an idea or a thought of an aerospace company called SpaceX.

During his activities and application, he entered into the major challenge and with his visit to many aerospace manufacturers he discovered the cost of purchasing a rocket was astronomical over $60 million. This is a major problem Musk pick up and began to rethink the problem.

In one of his interview after succeeding, he said I tend to approach things from physics framework. We understand that physics is one of the studies that teach you to reason from the first principle rather than by analogy.
After this understanding, he asks himself, what is a rocket made of? Thereafter, he asked, what are the value of all these materials? Then, he discovered that the materials cost of a rocket was around two percent of the typical price. With this information gathered, Musk decided to create his own company, purchase all the raw materials and build the rocket by himself and there emerge SpaceX.

Just within some years, this invention (SpaceX) cut the price of launching a rocket by nearly 10x while still making a profit. This review shows us that the first principle has the capacity to break down situation to the fundamentals and bypass the high prices of the aerospace industry which thereafter resulted in the creation of a more effective solution.

When you boil a process down to the fundamentals parts that you know are true and you build up from there, you are applying first principle thinking

How Can We Utilize This Principle In Our Life & Work?

Firstly take this into your heart that the first principle are that little assumption that cannot be deduced any further. If you need success you need to start thinking like a scientist by clearing away the mind of assumption and start with what you are absolutely sure is true. Check for what has been proven and pick your solution from there.

When you know the first basis of a thing then you can create. by samest

Over the years, dig deeper and deeper until I am left with only the foundational truths of a situation is what application of the first principle has done to me. When you doubt everything until you are left with what you discovered is purely indubitable truths you are making progress.

Take note that simplicity of every problem to the atomic level is not what you need to get the benefits of the first principle thinking, all you need is to go one or two levels in deep thought than most people. In case you don't know that different solutions will always present themselves at different layers of abstraction.

When you deconstruct a problem with the application of the first principle thinking, reconstruction comes with a different solution. by samest

Are thinking of innovation?

Do you ever see a relationship between tank and bicycle? Oh! this two appear to have nothing in common but just pieces of a tank and a bicycle can come together to develop innovation like a snowmobile.

If you checked all great and groundbreaking ideas in history it's just a result of boiling things down to first principles and bringing in a more effective solution for one of the key parts.

Are you seeking for the best solution to tackle a thing? Why not shift your focus on where everyone is already looking at and come out with the best solution by the application of first principle thinking. This principle allows you to cobble together information from different disciplines to create new ideas. With this, you start by getting facts, once this is set you can make a plan to improve each little piece.


This principle is sweet when discussing it and it's easy to describe but quite difficult to practice. The major or let me say the primary obstacles to this principle of thought is our tendency to optimize form rather than fuction.

Do you know the story of a suitcase? Okay, let me tell you.

Soldiers used leather message bads and satchels in Ancient Rome to carry food hole riding across the countryside. Also, the people in Rome has many vehicles with wheels but for many thousands of years, no one thought to combine the bag and the wheel. Do you know that until 1970 when Bernard Sadow was hauling his luggage through an airport and sighted a worker rolling the heavy machine on a wheeled skid, the rolling suitcase wasn't invented?

See, those things we called innovation is often an iteration of previous forms rather than an improvement of the core function. From the above story, you will agree with me that everyone else was focused on how to build a better bag which is form while Bernard Sadow was thinking about how to store and move things more efficiently which is function

I will be honest with you on the matter of imitation. This is the common roadblock to first principle thinking. From my school of thought, as we envision the future we don't need to project the function forward by abandoning the form. You need to think about your friends. Have to take moment to ask why this invented?

Do some critics ask in those days why inventing airplanes? They ask this question because they focus only on form and not function. When we are applying the first principle thinking focus on function and not the form. Don't ever live your life by analogy.

In conclusion, friend the optimization of the function of very important while ignoring the form of a thing opens you to a new idea, this is a simple way to learn how to think for yourself.

Thank you.


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