In every disaster situation, there is always a group of people who issue conspiracy theories. Most of the theories are baseless and sound crazy.

in #psyop-contest6 years ago

The world of conspiracy is the same as cryptozoology. For most people, believing the existence of Nessie or Bigfoot would be considered a madness. There is no scientific proof of the existence of this creature. All outstanding issues are based solely on testimonials and blurry photos.

But most people forget that Panda and Komodo ever entered the category of cryptid. When the existence of these two animals is widely known, the existence of Pandas and Komodo become commonplace. Similarly, conspiracy theories.

Some conspiracy theories will sound very unreasonable. For example, the belief that indeed the world's most prominent politicians is the undercover alien reptilian. How cool is that?

This time we will not examine the theory of the reptilian that controls the earth. We will look at other conspiracy theories that though sound crazy enough, but later on proved to be a truth.

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But in 1975, the US congress began to establish a committee to investigate CIA activities in the country. The committee called Church Committe found the facts about MK Ultra. The CIA did a mind-control experiment or "Human Behavior Engineering" through the CIA's Scientific Intelligent division.

The program began in the 1950s until it was discontinued in 1973. The investigation also found that the then CIA chairman, Richard Helms, had ordered the destruction of documents relating to MK Ultra that year.

Through the freedom of information legislation, the CIA began releasing the remaining documents to the public until in 2001 MK Ultra was not considered a secret project anymore.

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****Experiments with chemical and biological substances****

This theory states that the United States government trying to make efforts to control the population through toxins that are distributed through agents / substances harmful chemicals. Does this belief begin only from a deep sense of paranoia or does it have a strong enough basis?

Well, it looks like the conspiracy theorists have a point. Now it is a common knowledge that has also been recognized by the American government itself if in the past they do such experiments. US military records show that they have experimented with biological substances on civilians. Even done up to 239 times!

Among the experiments were spraying done in 1966 at a New York underground station with an anthrax-like substance!

In addition, in 1950, the American government also sprayed bacterial clouds in the bay of San Francisco. This cloud is called the government as a harmless biological agent. But afterwards, it was reported that 11 people were hospitalized with a rare urinal infection. At least one person is reported dead. Later, it is known that the bacteria are not harmful to healthy people, but can bring adverse effects for those who have a weak body.

In 2012, a researcher named Lisa Martino Taylor collected data proving that military scientists have been spraying radioactive particles in St. Louis, Missouri, which aims to test chemical weapons technology. This spraying was done between the 1950s and 1960s.

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****A nuclear bunker called Iron Mountain****

The panel also recommends the government to find alternative enemies and create public panic with reports of uncontrolled alien sightings or pollution.

On November 20, 1967, US News and World reported that the rumors about the Panel had a basis and they got confirmation from a source within the government. The source also said when President Johnson read the Iron Mountain Panel recommendations, he ordered his staff to ignore him. Wire messages are immediately sent to ambassadors in various countries and ask them not to link this panel's recommendations with the United States government. But is it true that this recommendation has been ignored? How do we make sure?
I admit, sometimes conspiracy theorists pull their theory too far so it sounds like a joke.

One conclusion is that, even if prolonged peace can be achieved, it is certain that the situation is not the ideal condition that society needs. War is part of the economy. Therefore, a war condition is necessary to achieve economic stability.

Alex jones
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Alex Jones who runs the site If Icke is famous in England, Jones is famous in the United States. This one man sounds more plausible than Icke. He believes that the 911 events and Boston marathon bombings are the actions of the United States government itself. Lately we can read news in Indonesia that quotes Jones in connection with the Boston Bomb. But, this is what I like from conspiracy theorists. There is no truth. There is only a Cover Up. For example, Alex Jones believes that the Illuminati has mastered American politics with one goal, namely to rule the world.

Lorie kramer loudly says that Alex Jones is actually a New World Order recruitment to distract the American public. Of course this is a slap for Jones who considers himself a leading figure in resistance to the New World Order. Not enough attacks launched by Kramer, Gary's partner and Lisa Ruby claim that Jones is a recruitment of the church scientology to rule the world and destroy Christianity.

Thus the circle of conspiracy theory thought is unfailing. Confusing is not it?

Before I end this paper, there is something I want to ask you.

Remember the Iron Mountain Panel formed in 1963 that I alluded to above?


****The Panel recommends the US government to create alternative enemies and create public panic through reports of UFOs and aliens.****

Well, my question is, did Roswell's story that surfaced in 1978 was part of the Iron Mountain panel implementation?

Then whether the case of UFO sightings are increasingly intense last decade is also a part of the implementation?

Then, is the Iron Mountain panel recommendation completely ignored by the United States government?

Do not we just know that President Johnson ignores him through a source?

What if the source turns out to be part of a conspiracy to cover up facts?

Or what if US News and World who reported the source turned out to be part of the Operation Mckingbird that was still running?



UFOs are psyop because outer space is psyop. "outerspace" was a term invented in the 1870s - along with most of pop theories it is absolutely false. Stars are an electromagnetic grid directly above the flat plane of the Earth, which is not a ball,,, etc etc.

interesting thought.. the 'milky way' is a scar of the schism that caused the great flood that every nation around the world has stories about.

to me, once you toss out space, then it makes this possible.

another interesting thing to look at. the moon is always facing the earth. that means all those 'meteor craters' are more likely weapons humans launch at it.

I started studying flat earth theory about 5 months ago because it made a lot of logical sense. Have not been able to disprove it since. Why does trump want to go back to the moon all of a sudden? Is he trying to unveil the plane or are they doubling down on the theater? Glad to see a fe’er on steemit


Back at u!

no one needs a war.
or fools want one.

Always remember the cia invented the term conspiracy theory.

they create the problem, get the reaction, provide solution.

i really kinda hate them, but trying to not. but damnit how can anyone be that dumb?

Hate can be useful, but too much creates toxicity clouding your ability to out think those that would control others. More people wise to truth is what we need

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