Engadget Trending News

in #r8qmktqk04 years ago

Many Android phones will offer Bing alongside Google search in Europe

"Microsoft scores key markets in the latest browser choice auction."


「強すぎるNTT」復活の懸念も ドコモ完全子会社化を読み解く(石野純也)

" 持ち株会社としてNTTグループ各社を束ねるNTTが、NTTドコモの完全子会社化を決定しました。元々NTTは、ドコモ株のおよそ64%を持つ大株主ですが、残り3割強に対してTOB(株式公開買付)を実施。TOBによって、100%子会社化を目指します。完全子会社化することで、NTTの意向をドコモの各種施策に、より反映しやすくなるとともに、グループ間の連携もさらに強化される見込みです。"


联想带来最轻的 ThinkPad X1 Nano

" 在折叠笔电之外,联想在 Project Athena 的另一个成熟产品就是 ThinkPad 史上最轻巧的 X1 Nano,一台只有 907g 的 13 吋 2K 屏幕笔电。"


新款的 ThinkBook 15 Gen 2 i 居然内建了真・无线耳机

" 因为新冠疫情的关系,一众打工仔、学生都多了很使用耳机的需要,因为三五不时就要视讯会议嘛。联想今天发表的新一代 ThinkBook 系列里,居然有一款是直接内建了真・无线耳机,这样突然要开会也不怕没有耳机用了吧!"


Amazon One uses your palm to approve store purchases

" Amazon is putting contactless payments in the palm of your hand. Today, the company has revealed Amazon One, a service that uses your unique palm signature to authenticate purchases and let you into gated locations, such as offices, gyms and stadiums. For n…"


世界初折叠屏幕笔电 ThinkPad X1 Fold 正式开放预订

"我们在 CES 2020 上动手玩过的世界首台折叠屏幕笔电 ThinkPad X1 Fold,如约在 2020 年内正式推出!"


Lenovo's Thinkpad X1 Fold is available for pre-order starting at $2,499

" After five years of development, Lenovo is almost ready to start shipping the Thinkpad X1 Fold, which it claims is the first PC with a foldable display. It has opened up pre-orders for the device, which starts at $2,499.The Thinkpad X1 Fold has a 13...."


Lenovo's 2-pound Thinkpad X1 Nano features Intel's latest processors

" Lenovo has announced its latest addition to the ThinkPad X1 collection: the X1 Nano. The company says its features should make it a sleek but powerful laptop ideal for business professionals. For one thing, the newest ThinkPad is powered by 11th Gen..."


ついに1kg切り!! ThinkPad X1 Nanoは1599ドルから。16:10画面とTiger Lake搭載

" 世界初となるフォルダブル画面PC『ThinkPad X1 Fold』を発表したレノボですが、さらにもう1機種の隠し球を用意していました。しかもThinkPadファン待望の「1kgを切り、さらに性能も高水準なモバイルノートPC」です……"


Lenovo’s latest ThinkBook 15 has built-in wireless earbuds

" Lenovo’s new hardware includes the ThinkBook 15 Gen 2 i with built-in wireless earbuds. When you need the earbuds, a small storage tray pops out of the laptop, and they connect instantly. When you’re done, tuck the earbuds back inside the ThinkBook 1..."



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