My Addiction To Reading...Explained!

in #reading5 years ago

Tuesday night....Where's the Noob Night cryptocast Jon???

I'm no one for excuses...But this newborn baby gig I've been on the past month has been...cRaZy!

Before I knew it, it was midnight and my wife gave me a look...The 'I'm going to bed and it's time for you to watch the kid' look...

I'm no dummy, so she didn't need to say a thing.

Which meant...I got to focus on something that I fell in love with doing about 15 years ago...And that is reading!


(The latest book I've been diving into...The Visual MBA by Jason Barron..And my laptop gearing up to write this post!!)

I started building my online businesses back in the early 2000's. One of the guys I was following back then gave me a piece of advice that has stuck with me all these years...

He told me..."If you want to keep growing your business, you need to keep growing yourself. That means, pick up a book!"



I was the high school drop out...There was no way I was going to get back into reading...

But he went on to explain to me, reading is self-education. And we can CHOOSE what we want to learn about...

Perfect! I was into marketing and sales, so I asked him for some recommendations...

He recommended two...Jeffrey Gitomer's Sales Bible...And Al Ries' 22 Immutable Laws of Branding

I. Was. Hooked!

After that I started to build my personal library and have become quite the book worm in the process. Every week I at least read one book and in my spare time (which I get between diaper changes these days) I'm writing down notes in my journal from everything I'm learning.

What makes this so important to my journey? And why has this addiction kept going strong after all these years?

I hope to answer that today...

1. I Get To Learn From The Experts!

Think about this for a second...Let's say you wanted to learn marketing from Seth Godin. You call him up and he says sure...That'll cost you about $10,000 an hour for my time. If you want a recent example of this, Justin Sun paid like 4 or 5 million to have lunch with Warren Buffet.

Well for about 15 bucks, I can buy either a book by Seth Godin or Warren Buffet. And sure, face to face is always best, but I can still LEARN from the experts of their field for the price of a pizza.

It's arguably, one of the best investments you will ever make!

2. I Never Want To Stop Learning!

Check out this snapshot I took from Brian Tracy's Million Dollar Habits book that I finished reading last week;


That blows my mind...One book a week, for a year...Over 50 books that would give me a massive edge in business and anything I wanted to grow in...Once again, books are a no brainer of an investment!

3. Garbage In, Garbage Out!

I like to guard my mind, meaning I pay zero attention to the news. I could care less what a President said to the media. And I turn on the TV about once a month. Garbage in, garbage out...So I choose to fill my mind with positive things. Information that will help me grow!

Reading books let's me control what goes into my mind and when I do this, I seem to get some amazing ideas on how to help my business grow...

4. Creative Thinking

I have a process when I read...I use certain tools to 'remember' the information I just digested. So it starts with the Evernote app on my phone. I will take a picture of a quote or something I want to remember from the book. I then take that image, and either print it out or write it into my journal.

O.k...So what?

This helps me remember key points but more importantly, when I write it out or print it, I get very creative from what I just read. I start doodling in my journal, writing things down...And then BAM...An idea will appear.


This is one of the more important parts of my reading journey...Journaling and writing things down. The ideas just came at you from all directions when you do this!

So in a nutshell...

I'm addicted to reading because it helps me grow!

It allows me to experience so much and improve in all aspects of my life. I'm so glad I took my mentor's advice all those years ago and started to read more books...I guarantee you, your life will change for the better when you start the habit of reading everyday!

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That one of the best addiction you can have :)

completely agree about that!!!

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That's for sure if you will be read more and more books your mind will be more creative then the normal human being. 👍☺️

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and it doesn’t take that much. the average person reads maybe a book a year. read one a month and you will be blown away and what you learn.

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It is an investment on your most valuable assets, yourself and time! Experience and learning are key to creating value in any endeavor so this is a great way to do it as well! I am taking three books for my upcoming vacation; hope to get through them on some down time!

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dang man. another vacation. i need to do what you do for a living lol

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I envy you on your dedication to improving yourself! I'm reading a few books per month, but those are "ordinary books", not "improve yourself" books... Maybe I should start mixing genres...
Anyways, I'm following your book reviews regularly, so I have a feeling like I read them too :)
Thanks for that!

ha ha ha glad to hear it. yeah man. i need to mix it up myself lol more fiction.

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Many years ago when I was much youger I loved to read I read books like Of Mice and Men, Grapes of Wrath, Death of a Salesman, The Outsiders, The Catcher in the Rye, Animal Farm and so much more. But then I lost the urge to read. Now thanks to you and a few others My love of reading books is back again

man. same here. as soon as i found the passion for learning i was hooked again.

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I'm also a bookworm! I love devouring everything I can get my hands on. Some books I buy others I borrow from the library. I love the feel of a physical book in my hands.

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same. i can’t do the digital book thing. has to be the physical thing.

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I can't imagine life without reading... literally ... reading expands our thought processes and worldview

So true. I feel like i got started late on the reading addiction. gotta make up for lost time lol

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Ever since I have known you, your passion for books was always forefront in your life. If you don't have some book you're reading, I know something is wrong. Lol.

I have always loved reading but haven't made much time for it since my concentration level has decreased over the years. So much on my plate that I was feeling I had no time.

Well that changes today. I am going to pick up a book and read one a month at least. Maybe more but it's time for me to dive back in. Feeding our minds with positive material is the only way to go. ,

Thank you for reminding me of this! 🥰

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awesome to hear that. yeah for sure. one a month is huge. it’ll help you in so many ways.

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Explicitly written man, you're right addiction to reading helps one grow but the truth is that it expands to one's ability to create and it just revuberates in our perspective so much that we even begin to imagine how much we have come.
I wish to have my own personal library too, I guess it's only a matter of time.

thank you very much. it starts with one book. and then it starts to take a life of its own lol

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Yeah, hahaha I'm thinking you're planning to even have more books in the future.

lol oh wow. it’s my dream. have an entire room in my home. with nothing but books lol

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Successful men and women learn to acquire knowledge a lot for them to succeeds and that is possible by Reading. The importance of reading can't be denied

absolutely. it’s such a fantastic habit to adopt. everyone can benefit from it.

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