Shazam - Review Movie - 07/10 Scale

in #realityhubs5 years ago

The new DC bet finally renewed the lost hopes of all fans tired of the failed attempts of the previous films. Although we must be honest, we have been fans of Marvel Studios, so uphill it is a little more difficult to reach everyone's expectations, my score for this movie is on a scale of 07/10.


A common problem of this era of capitalism is that unfortunately many works of art of cinema become products. In the long run, large companies need something to be a ticket office to generate a reaction. Therefore, today, the authors who are able to find the twist of the product to turn it into an excellent work and at the same time leave most of the public as they have half the battle won ... and many hearts conquered . Although Aquaman was already the spearhead to start with another way of approaching the perspective, this is exactly what happens with Shazam. It has the current DC seal that aims to stand out for its adulthood and that, finally, stopped trying to imitate the MCU formula.

Now, in the titanic task of having to adapt mainly for adults a comic where the main character is a child in the body of a man, it would have seemed the most original way to start the work of differentiating with the left foot; but the truth is that it has closed my mouth. Shazam has everything a movie needs to cover the quota of original, fun, innocent, adult, dramatic and comical. And besides, now I want DC to bring me more enjoyment where that came from.


In the case of Shazam, there were many things that I liked a lot, but my favorite was the way in which they addressed a topic that crosses children and adults in a single conflict: parenting. This is a story that conveys the importance of the relationship between children and adults as referents, as well as the development of a childhood surrounded by affection or absences. Therefore, although in a sense with a fairly classical structure, Shazam does not fail. He and his antagonist are children who suffered abandonment or family abuse, they were not wanted children and because of this their hearts are filled with resentment. However, history marks their paths from a distance and how they move away. Billy is a child who behaves selfishly and rebelliously, but is lucky to bump into his path with the Vasquez family, which will gradually soften his heart, containing it even despite the conflicts it generates. It is this family that, in the long run, will end up finding the real Billy, who is committed to his work as a hero and wants to do more than just sign autographs and look great. Dr. Sivana, for his part, will have at his disposal his father and his brother, but at a distance. Immersed in isolation and sadness, he will find no way out but to let himself be carried away by power, his only ally in the face of unease, freeing the Seven Deadly Sins and not for nothing going to attack his family before anyone else.


The rest of the film will be the classic path of the hero that is built with slight adjustments based on the family denominator; but this does not make the film worse but, on the contrary, it takes on another meaning.

My only criticism of the film is that perhaps the character construction takes up too much time compared to the knot and the outcome, which makes the first hour of the movie seem like an eternal string of explanatory gags about Billy's new powers and his consistent relationship with fame. Perhaps these adjustments can be improved in a future installment of the film, where already internalized in the characters, we can enjoy more elaborate conflicts but always under the challenge of the life of a child who becomes an adult. The rest I can tell you is already a spoiler.


However, a classic origin story. Here we learn how Shazam found his powers, how he found his family and how he faced his first supervillain. In that sense, Shazam! It is nothing new; it is the same story of a hero chosen among mortals for being unique without him knowing it; the story of a hero learning that, regardless of the powers he has, it always depends on others; the story of a superior being who understands the responsibility of his powers, etc.


In my personal review, I expected something more novel, but before the described, it is more of the same, without an enveloping plot outside of what we are already used to seeing in DC Comics, as I said at the beginning, we come from a fan of Marvel Studios, with strong criticisms and different hypotheses, where we want to address the different angles, but from another perspective, to be impartial, but it is up to each of you. For my part they already have my judgment.


Thank you for your contribution, this is a nice enough review and I like the fact that you were honest with your opinions on the movie.

Your post could have better structure and you could do better with spelling.

It'd be nicer if you could separate your contents into paragraphs.

We look forward to your future contributions.

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