Music: My "Mind Altering Substance" of ChoicesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #reflection5 years ago

This morning, I added a couple of new choons to one of my YouTube playlists.

As I did so, I did a little "housekeeping" on the list, which now has about 350 clips on it... and noted the fact that the first video/tune on the list was uploaded in December of 2010.

I've been adding to this for eight years.

I have a couple of other playlists that are pushing ten years, now...

The Golden Hour

How Things Change

I didn't really grow up with a lot of music around me.

Whereas my parents claimed to "love music," music wasn't so much a fact of life, as it was an activity: something you gave part of your day to: "Listening to Music."

I suppose it might have been because they were "older" when I was born, and raised during an era where music wasn't as on demand, and listening required active interaction... like putting a vinyl LP on the turntable.

When I was about 14, I was given an old "hand down" transistor radio to use in my room... and I spent my teen years deeply immersed in the now legendary sounds of Radio Luxembourg, (basically a "pirate" station back in the days when most of Europe ran exclusively on "state run" programming) tuning into a lot of "bleeding edge" alternative, punk, techno and new wave... before any of these were really much of "a thing."

Salmonberries in bloom...

I suppose... Because I spent so much time alone — rather than with my peers — my musical tastes were shaped "internally" rather than what I was being told was popular.

And so, it was the influence of legendary UK DJs like John Peel (with whom I shared a birthday) and Kid Jensen who shaped "my" music; years later — in the earliest days of MTV — I was always up late to catch "120 Minutes."

The Soundtracks of Our Lives

Maybe it's a relatively modern thing; to have music in the background of what you're doing, all the time.

The sounds I prefer tend to make me feel more productive, and more creative. My mother was eternally "after me" to turn off the music "so I could concentrate," but the effect was almost exactly the opposite.

By most societal measures, I have what's known as ADHD, and particular beats/sounds seem to create either an "interrupt" or "harmonization" that allows me to stay focused for long periods at a time... something I find almost impossible to do in silence... or with anything that resembles "popular" music.

Classical music also doesn't work for me as work music because it is "foreground" music (at least to my ears) that demands being actively listened to.

At a relatively young age, I realized that my preference was for something you were unlikely to ever hear on the radio... or outside the company of a very esoteric and small group of people.

No, I'm not going to bother you with the entire playlist... just with the LAST thing I added...

That said, aforesaid YouTube playlist (which is "public") has been accessed almost 5,000 times by people other than myself, so I guess it's not that strange or esoteric!

Thanks for reading!

How about YOU? Is music important to your life? Are you an "occasional" listener, or an "all the time" listener? Does music help you work? Or does it get in your way? Are your tastes pretty "mainstream," or more out on some fringe most people aren't familiar with? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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Created at 190206 23:48 PST



Music for me is a must in life in general. Great for the brain to learn to play and listen. Playing guitar in a band is a fantastic pastime if you are not looking to make money on it though I love music too much to have it playing when I need to avoid distractions and get work done. That is where house music comes in!

My little one has just started her own playlist to listen to on the bus and walking the dog. It is full of old man 80s tunes!

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This is my kind of music, like the chilled electronic sounds here.

Music has definitely been a big part of my life, I'm a music producer and make tracks from life events so I always have a memory in the form of music. If I am writing a blog then I will tend to do it in silence as I work best without distraction, if I am doing a workout or run, music is a must to take my mind away from the actual exercise element of it haha.

For the last few years there are never enough hours in a day to listen to all the info sources that for some reason I feel compelled to keep up with. I therefore usually have an information youtube playing in one window (where in my previous life music would be playing) while I work in other windows. I certainly cannot concentrate well enough to digest the information in the background window, but just enough to be aware when a key word or concept is mentioned so that I can turn my full attention to it.

All this in pursuit of a fantasy that I will be able to situate myself well enough to retire from the necessity of earning money so that I can spend my time trveling and listening to and playing music - as for some reason I could do when I was young but haven't been able to successfully accomplish since.

I used to be an all the time listener..but as podcasts emerged, I started to listen to ton of those...and now, if I put on just music, I feel Im wasting my's kinda curse a bit :D

Also love podcasts, but don't you feel like getting disconnected sometimes?

As I write this now background music is playing and I am one of those that are stuck on the 60s and 70s rock bands. I find music stimulating and hardly ever boost it out loud. Driving long distances are also eased by music in the car. Blessings!

Just finished listening to that track and "silk music" is the perfect description of it!

For as long as I can remember, I've had an internal DJ constantly spinning records in my brain. Sometimes in the form of an "ear worm" but most of the time it's something like a muted version of that YouTube video.

I also find it hard to focus with typical music playing, and I've put together countless playlists on my computer, MP3s, YouTube, and Spotify for times when I need to really concentrate. I'm definitely going to give your entire playlist a listen and see if there are some more songs like Sound Quelle & Referna that I can steal!

Oh, and thanks for the ear candy! 😊

My First 3 Records when I was 12-13 ish. Kiss "Alive 2" Queen "News of the World" Elton Johns "Greatest Hits 2" it was 1978-ish.

I got them for x-mas with a small record player. I have been a Rocker ever since, but i do enjoy upbeat country music.

I am really enjoying the "for a limited time only" Kiss station on Sirius-XM right now. Brings back many childhood memories. Music keeps me going with the long hours out here driving.

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