Emanuel Swedenborg.. Who is he?

in #religion6 years ago (edited)

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Wow what an interesting guy. I'm surprised I have never heard of this fellow before. I love the old renaissance thinkers of the past, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Ben Franklin, Plato (not renaissance) , and many many more.

Swedenborg now is my top guy in this spot. He did everything. I always loved Egar Cayce and his ability to know things from the beyond. Emanuel goes way past him. True inspiration, and hopefully more people will study his achievements. If so the world will be a better place. That is what I hope.

I think Swedenborg lost favor in the 1800's when he was talking about his experiences with the otherside. People were not ready for his information. I truly hope they are ready now. A true guinness of his time. I'm now gonna start researching him a lot and hope everyone does too.

Thanks for reading...



You might like John Theophilus DeSaligueirs or Lord Bulwar-Lytton

Thanks I certainly will and thanks for names.

Just checked them out. I agree, they both made a great impact. Thanks

LOL! Well, well, well, fancy meeting you here! OK, first, have a look at who I quoted on my pretty picture on this post. (I am not begging for an upvote, just check it out, interesting timing, no?)

I was raised Swedenborgian. The Church of the New Jerusalem is the official name of the religion. Larken Rose was too. Let me give you a little heads up: The church was NOT wanted or founded by Swedenborg. The best I can tell, Jesuits obtained his writings shortly after his death and set up a church. It was funded in the US by a man named Pitcairn, an oil baron who was a contemporary of Rockefeller.
Swedenborg was a prolific writer, reading his works can keep you busy for years but he was certainly an interesting character and I DO believe he was sincere. Just, don't go for the church. There are AWESOME people, don't get me wrong, but the foundations upon which it was built are shaky. Very shaky.

Didn't know the church was sketchy. Just like evrything good can be turned bad. What do you think of the swedenborg fundation? I have thousands of questions for you. I just stumbled onto him a few days ago and really liked his story. Thanks for the info.

I think it is an offshoot of the church. The church is a great source of information, and the people are lovely - I am related to half of Bryn Athyn. But Swedenborg was not into dogmatic religiousity. The church kinda is. Are you familiar with the Sumerian texts? The concept of the archons was something Swedenborg discussed.

I understand a bit of their history, the story of Gilgamish(sp?) a great civilization. I dont put much energy in Zachariah S. work. Perhaps a tad. And, yes the idea of the archons is fascinating and scarey hehe

It is funny... one of the reasons I left the church was because I thought it was REALLY messed up the way they all tell their kids "You are surrounded by evil spirits" when they are acting up. Well... it is not so messed up if it is true... But Sitchkin is a good place to start but a terrible place to stop. If you really dig in on the Sumerians, you will leave Swedenborg in the rearview. He was brilliant and intriguing, but he had his limits to his knowledge. You and I have more power at our fingertips than he ever imagined! I doubt Swedenborg understood the Sumerians, but the church understands. Pitcairn has a whole castle wing of Egypt loot he got back before Egypt tried to stop the looting. It is a "museum" that no one can see. They are hiding something in there, and it is probably related to the Sumerian texts.

I would like to know what they are hidding too. Makes you think what information was lost with the library of Alexander being torched. Yes we do have great power, intention is the key. Thought is a real form. Swedenborg said there are just people doing good and bad. You make your OWN HEAVEN and HELL. Again, there is a ton of books to glean over. Must have been weird growung up withthe church. Seems cultish?

No more so than any other church. My favorite definition applies to any and all churches: If you were brought up in it as a child, it is a religion. If you joined as an adult it is a cult. It is a very science-oriented church, I think it was established to lure intellects. People were learning to read en masse, and some of them were figuring out that much of what the Bible said was obviously not scientifically possible. Swedenborg's "theology" allows for 3 levels of interpretation. It allows for spiritual or celestial plane locales for events to explain what would not be possible on earth. Plus it allowed intellectual types to feel smug and superior for understanding something the big churches did not... Genuis move, if you are trying to control people with religion. Which is what the "gods" of Sumeria taught their pet blood lines that they left to rule over humanity... 3 tricks to rule us all: Religion, government and fiat currency. :) Whatever deep truths Swedenborg found, he became a pawn in the elite game in the end.

Very thought provocative statements. I agree of the controls that are used. Perhaps my love for the crypto movement. I'm more of the Buddhism thought. You are in control of finding your own wisdom. Maybe someday we will break free from those things that hold us down....

I love Edgar Cayce also so you know I'll be looking into him!! Have a great weekend!! 😊

Swedenborg wrote some amazing stuff. Definitely check it out. And you to have a great weekend

He sounds like an interesting man, I had never heard of him either.

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great posts I liked a lot go through my blog I'm starting, thx you !!!

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