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RE: Stranger than fiction - 1

in #research4 years ago (edited)

Are you willing to share what tools you use to gather the information please.
I would like to verify and maybe contribute to your work in some way if appropriate.

A though only just occurred to me. What happened to the exchanges funds in the hard fork?
If the rules were followed, their accounts did not get included in the hard fork and now those funds are in the hands of who?


They are supposedly in a sort of null fund, except it is not a true null fund. People do have access. Basically they have recreated (and grown) Ned's stake. Except now this stake is in the hands of the witnesses who began the chain. Supposedly it is open so that people can "appeal" the blacklist and still get a drop if their appeal is successful. (I haven't appealed.) It certainly leaves us with a lot of questions doesn't it? Why do it this way?
Why not just take fresh code over? Why copy everything, including people's personal content? Why not have everyone start at the same point, wouldn't that be fair? That way people can invest if they like, or not. That way power is not centralized.
My instinct has always been that the witnesses were overly comfortable in their positions, with their regular pay, that they didn't like it one bit when that position was threatened. (Hence their hostile hard fork when Justin bought Ned's stake.) The "new" chain is a way to ensure their paycheck keeps coming. I think this is about money, and not at all about doing what is right (especially by what I have seen). But of course, it is more palatable to dress it up under the guise of doing the right thing and protecting decentralization.
But, they have taken all the problems with them to a new chain, including the problems surrounding the centralization of power.
From my perspective, their copy of the chain is even more centralized.
I am curious to see how they will fare against the legal problems that are just getting started. Should be interesting.
I personally removed all of my content off of Hive. Every single post. I won't have my name or content on something that I believe to be illegal.


Except now this stake is in the hands of the witnesses who began the chain.

All hail the new HIVE KINGS

and according to lukestokes they only need two thirds plus 1 of the top twenty to implement a change to the rules.

wow i looked at the link !

Yeah, that was always my point. How is it a community when the community really has very little to no say. How decentralized!

wow i looked at the link !

Yeah, I was calling them KINGS already, I can't believe they actually call THEMSELVES KINGS.

I like the name. Full disclosure. Kings of a stolen empire. People thought I was joking when I called them Kings. It's funny because they mocked Justin and called him the King of Steem. Yet, here we are: Hive Kings. I am telling you, truth is stranger than fiction.

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