"The Bleeding Edge" NEW Netflix Doc ~ #review #ifthefdasaysitsgooditprobablyisnt

in #review6 years ago

I can't really sit here and type this without first admitting that I am biased when it comes to anything the government has a hand in, but by then end of this documentary, I was not surprised. Not in the least bit. Allow me to explain...



"The Bleeding Edge" is a video collaboration of many people who have had their lives negatively effected by medical devices/medical procedures. It gains it's credibility through many former FDA scientist workers and highly respected people in their professions. The doc covered a few different types of medical devices, but the only device I actually had heard of before, was called vaginal mesh. Maybe you have heard it as well? There are over 100,000 lawsuits right now against some of the big companies that sell vaginal mesh, Johnson & Johnson being the largest.



I say I am not surprised, because I lost my faith in anything the government does as being seen as a benefit to the US people years ago. So this wasn't really news to me, but I wasn't fully aware of how mafioso it really was. The FDA is a joke. A sham. An excuse and chameleon. Portraying themselves as the arbiters of safe & unsafe. When that statement couldn't be further from the truth.

The doc centers around countless women stating how their lives have been ruined by a product that was sold to them as safe and tested, via the FDA...when not only was it not safe and tested, it was literally the opposite. The manufacturer knew there were problems and that it could cause health issues. This is reference to a quick birth control procedure using a product called essure.



Beyond essure and the vaginal mesh, there was also the story of the cobalt hip-replacement. Metal on metal ball & joint, made with cobalt. A doctor in Alaska got one and it didn't take long for him to essentially go nuts. He had 100x more cobalt in his body than normal. It was massively effecting his cognitive abilities and memory. He switched out the metal on metal for ceramic and within a month or so he was back to normal. Since then, he has seen many patients with his same symptoms, and a good amount of the time, it's because of an FDA approved metal on metal hip-replacement.



It's not just medical devices that can hurt you though, the Da Vinci medical robot is another way. This isn't a device that gets implanted into you like the others mentioned here, it's literally a robot that performs surgery, while a doctor is a few feet away using gaming-like controls while viewing through a monitor.



Your question is probably "Robots performing surgery, that sounds futuristic and high-tech, why is that so bad?" Well the device is actually pretty impressive, and for skilled and experienced doctors, it can be a great asset and tool to utilize. The key words there are skilled & experienced. The FDA allowed this product to come to market because the manufacturer guaranteed weeks and weeks of training to get the doctors the experience they needed to be qualified to use them. The problem is, that when the FDA gave approval, no one wanted to buy the machines and wait weeks training before they could use it. So the manufacturer got rid of most of the training required and sold them like hot cakes.

Women would go and get a hysterectomy, operated on by the Da Vinci, and they would have problems not long after. I'll spare you the details, but organs were coming out of places they shouldn't be, let alone them coming out of your body at all, for any reason. Inexperienced surgeons were making mistakes during surgery, and it cost a lot of women a lot of pain and suffering. The stat reported was that you were 3-9 times more likely to have something go wrong in surgery when using the Da Vinci.

I would highly recommend watching this documentary if you really want to see government in action, how the beast really operates. Or, if you want to just dip your toes in, just google '501(k) FDA' and see where that leads you. It's sad, to be perfectly honest. Good, honest people, are being misled and duped because there is no market opinion on these devices. The FDA says what's good or bad, and the doctors and surgeons just accept it, along with the millions of people who take their doctors advice at will.

I will finish by saying that, no, not all doctors, surgeons, etc., are bad, dishonest people who want to ruin your life. A majority of them are probably amazing people, who would do anything to help someone. But this story isn't so much about individual bad actors, rather a monopoly on who has final say of what's approved and what's not regarding your health and wellness.

Please let me know if you end up seeing it and let me know what your thoughts are. Thanks for reading.


How utterly, abominably horrifying! :O

Please reply to this comment so I can reward your article appropriately!



Thanks for checking out my post. I agree, horrifying. I was getting queasy and felt sick to my stomach hearing all the terrible things these women (and men) had gone through. I wouldn't wish any of this upon my worst enemy. Have you had a chance to see it yet?

I know all too much about this from other sources. I would like to find and watch it, however.

Doctors and hospitals are leading causes of death. I avoid them like the plague they are. I've been into alternative health means for a quarter century or more... check out the 'ad' in most of my articles for our SILVERengines product.

Oh nice, I'll check that out, thanks man!

It's on Netflix, so shouldn't be hard to find.

Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

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