Funding my road to Steemfest3! Meet me in Krakow - Poland

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

It's 3.40 am and I have to be up at 7 am. Usually I would be in bed by now, however @anomadsoul reminded me of the importance of this post today, so I will have to get on my writing horse once more today and just bite the bullet tomorrow. Ah, sleep is for the weak anyway. I'm sure I'll regret this tomorrow, but also sure I won't regret it anymore once I set foot in Krakow!

How I've funded things so far

Well, that's an easy question to answer. Nothing, niente, NADA! Meaning: I have nothing to show for in regards to paying for my trip to Krakow. I have another week to get the 'cheaper' ticket for the event, after that it will go up by 60 Euro.
I am not sure if I will make that deadline and definitely don't know how to pay for the ticket when the price goes up.
Sigh...Sometimes I wish my life wouldn't have so many unexpected twists in the road. But then again, maybe that's what makes life interesting.

I am expecting a sum of money in the beginning of next month and this will have to pay for the airfare and hopefully the ticket (if I haven't got it yet by then...there's still hoping).
The apartment is booked and doesn't need to be paid till I actually get there, so that's a worry for later.
The Steem I make here is all used to pay back three people who loaned me money to I could go to Holland to be with my grieving friend, so until that is paid off there is no income on that front. I've been doing some day-trading with 'sponsored' money my friend @dragonsandsnakes gave me to work with. It's gone up a bit, but nothing major and not enough yet to pay for any of this, half the ticket maybe if I would cash out now...which I won't.
But I am going to be working on that too. I've managed to do this last year too, but the crypto market was a bit different then. But no worries...once I set my mind to something, I follow through.

So there it is, my nothing

Yeah so, not much to show for aye? Well, I have a few semi-valuable coins (fiat) that I kept for a rainy day. It isn't the right time to sell them. It would be much better to wait a few more years. I actually planned to give them to the kids when they're older. I have 5 sets, so they could all have one and I would still have one for myself. I am seriously thinking of selling those. If I do, I might have the money for the ticket. I'm gonna have to sleep on that one a bit more.

Other than that, I've been trying to sell anything of value around the house, but nothing to write home about.
Somehow I am still not freaking out or stressing about anything. I still feel something might come up.
There is NO WAY IN HELL that I'm going to miss Steemfest. I will be miserable and eating ice-cream for the rest of the year! SOOOO not happening!

What CAN I do?

At the moment, not much. I can't do much about my financial situation, I'm already working longer hours than my usual lot (the translators on my team are slave @soyrosa). Somehow Murphy's got me again with his shitty law. Yesterday my car was acting funny. So that's another worry. Hopefully the mechanic has good news for me tomorrow.
Then my daughter asked me to put her money in my account so she could order her phone online. I did that but when I came home, I realized that the car insurance had been taken off my account. I completely forgot! So now I owe her that money and she'll be phone-less for another week or two.

So for me, the only thing to do is to keep calm and meditate or something similar. Come back to myself. Breathe in, breathe out. Visualize my positive outcome. See myself in Krakow with all you Steemians and manifest the funds to get there. There. That's what I will do.

See you at Steemfest!


You'll make it! Something has to come through! I mean this is Steemfest! It sucks to be strapped financially. I know all too well the frustration it brings. Haven't been able to do anything fun in forever. Good luck on getting the funds, maybe someone important will see your post and sponsor you. :)

Awe thanks for the vote of confidence. Yeah it does suck to be strapped for money, the worst part is having to say no to the kids about nearly everything. Not their essentials, but any event that costs money I have to say no to. And it seems to last forever at this moment, but I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel...Now Steemfest is purely for selfish's MY thing. But then again, indirectly it's also for them. Happy mommy's bring happy kids.

You will get there.. with your mindset you will make it!!

awe thanks for the vote of confidence. It's nice when people believe in you :) <3

You sound as strapped for cash as I am!

I hope you can make it, then you could give me a Pool rematch and try and win this time! 😛 Good luck!

Finally Steemit's back! Phew...Anyway, yeah it seems like a lot of us are in a not so great financial position at the moment...Well, what can I say: shit happens. It makes finally getting to Steemfest even better :) I would love to give you a rematch...although I don't recall playing against you last year...🤔 It's not you, it's me LOL 😉Must have been the 🍻🍻

Hey @misslasvegas when it rains it really pours huh? Rooting and praying for you that something will come through! Steemfest will be great!

thank you @khimgoh. Yes, it sure seems like it. Taking one day at a time. I HAVE to go :)

good luck!! It will happen, I visualise you there in Krakow too! Bright and clear!
Go play some music on the street!
Wish I could be there too, but I don't think it will happen this time.. let's see!

You can go there by hitchhiking too! Then you'll spare the price of the ticket, shouldn't take too long from the Netherlands, maybe 3 days? :D Bring a tent!

I would if I didn't live in Ireland and wasn't bringing the kids. I have no one to take them at the moment and don't really want to leave them for the week either. A friend and her daughter are coming to Poland and she's taking them, so hitchhiking is not an option :) I would love to though, maybe one day when the kids are bigger.

No with the kids it's another story I see!.. And okay I thought you were living in The Netherlands, but was just a guess :)
Anyway, you can probably find quite cheap tickets! Good luck!

Thank you. Yeah, the tickets are not too bad, but I need to hurry up. I am Dutch but have been living in Ireland for seven years. So I understand how you would think that.

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