SAM Challenge - Music can shape your future

in #sam-saturday6 years ago

It is Saturday so it's time to share something about us. @bluemoon initiated a great challenge, Something About Me, #sam-saturday.

This week I will tell you something about my favorite music: rock.

Huawei P20, f/4, 1/50 s, 3.81 mm, ISO160, Photoshop Express edited

Since I was a little kids, I was surrounded by the lovely electric guitar sounds. Rock ballads (my mom's number one of all times, and some of my top 3 rock bands, being Queen) or heavy metal fast rhythms, they all somehow educated my musical taste.
During my teenage years, I discovered the psychedelic part of the '70s. I started listening to The Doors and soon enough I became one of the biggest Jim's fans (I believe all teenagers find themselves in his lyrics, at some point). Janis Joplin, Jimmi Hendrix, the entire Woodstock gang made me regret I was not born earlier. 🙂
During the same period of my life I was listening to Black Sabbath, Metallica and all the other rock gods. But I always came back to The Doors.

Huawei P20, f/4, 1/17 s, 3.81 mm, ISO800, Photoshop Express edited

After graduating the highschool, I went to university and my first two years consist of a mixture of rock genres: alternative, death, heavy metal and many other. This is the period when I met my future husband who was (and still is) the lead vocalist and guitar player of an alternative rock band. A perfect example on how music can shape your future. I could have been one of those boy bands groupies and sit in the library during the exams. But I was blessed (or cursed...depends on how you see it) with a very good memory and studying was not necessarily a must for me.
Long story short, I married the lead singer of a rock band! We have two wonderful toddlers and I'm still waiting for the day when he will make a huge amount of money so I could divorce and take half of his wealth. 😂
Leaving the joke aside, due to my husband, I started to pay more attention to Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden or Alice in Chains. What can be more wonderful than Temple of the Dog musical project? Having Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell singing together is more than a rock chick can dream of.

I could write numerous pages about my favorite music and different stages of my life but I prefer to share with you one of the most wonderful songs ever written. The Who and Roger Daltrey... God, I love this man's voice. Love reign o'er me.
The person who says he/she does not like this song, becomes my nemesis. 🙂



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Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Another great SAM of you Rocky-Cat ;-) I love this challenge to learn so many wonderful details of friend's life ^_^

Oh, thank you so much, my dear. You make me blush. Hmmm... Rocky-Cat.. Why I didn't think of this when I set up my Syeemit account? 🙂
Indeed, Dan had a great idea with this challenge. I sincerely hope it will last and more people will be joining.

I had no idea about any of this! I love it! Can you go by the Welcome Wagon post and mention that you would like some RC?

Done it. I wanted to apply last night but I had to choose between SAM post and the application. 😣
Thank you again, Melinda for your kind words and your support.

I'm sorry to see you go through these difficulties. I don't have too much SP (I've accumulated a little over 500SP in 17 months ... it's true that for a few months I was inactive).
I have delegated 10SP to you, I know it is very little but I hope to help. Maybe others will do it and so you can post more.
I didn't delegate more because I have to vote for SAM participants with as much power (and my vote barely reaches 0.03 now).

Wow, thank you si much for your help. Much appreciated. I will return them as soon as I reach 150 SP. And I plan to do it fast as I have some spare time and I can focus on targeting some scientific niches.
Do you have any tips and tricks on how to thrive on Steemit? So far I played by the rules and it did not pay off. And it seems that Steemit wants to get rid of the low accounts...couldn't find another explanation for this RC madness.

I do not think I know a recipe, but I'm telling you a little bit of my experience.
The basic rule, I hope it has not changed: The more votes you get (and bigger) from people with the reputation higher than yours, the faster you advance in reputation. Votes from people with the same reputation or less don't help you. Trec la romana, sa nu ma mai chinui. Consider ca trebuie sa folosesc numai engleza pentru ca si ceilalti care poate vor sa citeasca comentariul sa inteleaga dar acum fac o exceptie.
Eu am folosit bots o perioada de timp (cam o luna cred). Am ales acei bots cu reputatia cea mai mare, de peste 62 - 65. O parte dintre bots, dupa ce te voteaza iti trimit si un comentariu. Nu-i aleg pe aceia deoarece mai bine sa nu stie toata lumea ca am apelat la ei...sunt cam desconsiderati cei care platesc pentru voturi. Teoretic chiar poti sa castigi mai mult decat platesti, nu am verificat ce am primit eu pentru ca tot ce ma interesa era cresterea reputatiei. Se spune ca esti bagat cat de cat in seama aici daca reputatia este mai mare de 60. Nu stiu daca este o regula citit si eu aici. Cand platesti pentru general primesti inapoi aproximativ la fel cat ai platit (plus sau minus, in functie de bot, de ROI...), asta poti verifica si calcula in acest site: Steem Upvote Bot Tracker. Exista in site si un Vote Calculator unde poti sa faci simulari. Daca nu stii acest site atunci sunt sigur ca vei studia si vei intelege cum se foloseste.
Eu am folosit o crescut destul de repede de la 55 la 58 si apoi am renuntat, pentru ca nu prea ma mai intereseaza. Eu am platit pentru un vot intre 0.1 - 3 SBD.

Alta metoda este sa urmaresti si sa comentezi postari ale unor utilizatori cu reputatie mare ( 60 - 75), daca ei vor aprecia ce spui s-ar putea sa -ti voteze postarile si va rezulta cresterea reputatiei si a recompenselor.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Much appreciated.

Nu as vrea sa apelez la boti deoarece nu am folosit si, intr-adevar, esti cam desconsiderat daca faci asta. Am referat sa imi construiesc o reputatie propriu zisa si nu o...chestie de care sa imi fie rusine daca sunt intrebata. Totusi, nu am nimic impotriva celor care folosesc boti. 🙂 Eu personal nu sunt interesata de partea materiala a platformei. Nu prea cred in bani castigati usor.
Observasem ca ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat este numarul vestelor. Reputatia te ajuta cand vine vorba de vizibilitatea postarilor. Daca ai undeva sub 30, postarile sunt ascunse.
Off, cata bataie de cap pentru ceva ce trebuia sa fie placut si amuzant. Blestemata furculita asta grea. 😂

Asa am considerat si eu la inceput (ca esti desconsiderat). Nu-i chiar asa, pana la urma nu-i prea pasa nimanui si de altfel, totul se uita foarte repede. Eu trebuie sa recunosc ca m-am inscris aici din cauza banilor. Vin din ceea ce se numeste internet marketing, am pierdut cu asta multi ani si...bani. M-a fascinat posibilitatea de a castiga bani lucrand de acasa, pe internet. Mai ales ca acum sunt pensionar si mi se pare cam inspaimantator sa stiu ca depind de stat. De statul nostru! Cat despre bani, nu se castiga deloc am adunat pana acum mai putin de $500 in 17 luni (mai putin de $30 pe luna si asta numai daca lichidezi contul).
Pe de alta parte, nu-mi este rusine de statutul meu actual. Imi era rusine cand faceam o postare lucrand multe ore, cu zeci de fotografii si neprimind voturi. Atunci am descoperit ca pot cumpara cateva voturi, sa para ca cineva a fost totusi interesat de munca mea. Iti dau un exemplu al unui coleg pe care-l cunosti, @c0ff33a. El a folosit boti la greu si recomanda cu caldura folosirea acestora. Nu numai ca nu se rusineaza dar este si foarte apreciat (pe buna dreptate) aici.
Oricum, daca nu te intereseaza partea materiala...este de fapt cel mai usor. Scrii doar din placere, fara sa te intereseze acele aspecte mercantile. Restul vine de la sine.

Da, pe Steemit memoria este de scurta durata.
Am observat ca cei care fac bani aici, au investit la inceput. Eu una ma abtin, in principal pentru ca ma cam tem de volatilitatea pietei crypto. Si nici power down nu dau. Am muncit sa ajung aici si nu vreau sa pierd ceva pentru niste amarati de dolari (contul meu e undeva in jur de 100).
Te inteleg cand spui ca te temi sa depinzi de autoritatile noastre. Eu sunt in concediu crestere copil si in fiecare luna ma intreb daca intra banii aia sau daca nu le vine vreo idee sa mai reduca. Este oribil sa nu ai siguranta zilei de maine, sa nu poti face planuri de viitor. Dar asta ne face adevarati supravietuitori, nu? 🙂
Cine stie? Poate totusi vor veni zile mai bune... Macar pe Steemit. 😂

Sounds like they are announcing the winners today. Fingers crossed! But no matter what, I will do what I can to give you a boost!

Thank you again, Melinda. Hopefully, they will consider my application.

I truly hope the lead singer of that rock band is not reading your posts 😂🤣

So far so good. He's not into social media (thanks to me as I don't want the female fans to fantasise about the great fortune which is yet to come 😂).
Seriously now, this is how we speak to each other: I'm the gold digger and he's the rock star. And we laugh all day. I suppose being able to joke about things like that helps avoiding any potential frustrations that could jeopardise a marriage.

I understand I have a professional in front of me. A professional in listening to music, you are very close to the phenomenon through passion and ... husband. Another great post in SAM. Thank you! If you could become a groupie but you saved yourself through marriage ... and I could become a groupie, but I saved myself through friendship. What I want to say. I was very close to two Romanian bands, especially the Roata. I was a good friend with Sorin Chifiriuc and I am a good friend to the other members of the band: Elena Perianu and Valentin Badea (they don't play music now). I don't know if you heard of the Roata, but Chifiriuc really was a name in the Romanian alternative music (Old Court 43, Domino, Iris, Sfinx ...).
I was also close to Secret, a rock band of girls.
Exceeding confessions ... I now listen to The Who. Thank you for your impetus. I've listened a little in the past but I don't know why I've overlooked this band. I have to recover now and thank you for that.
In the end, I have to make a little bit uncomfortable. I admit that "Love reign o'er me" is a great song. I have to say, however, that Pete is more impressive with the guitar than Roger. Please forgive me ... I know very well how unpleasant it is for someone to not appreciate what you like. Roger Daltrey in the voice find some resemblance to the voice of one of my favorites (forgiveness again ... this one finds him better, GL, I'm curious if you guess it).

A professional? Not even close. Just a person who loves listening to good music and whishes to be able to play an instrument. But... Mother Nature gave me an analytical brain instead of an artistic one. Oh well, I can always brag about my husbands achievements in the musical field. 🙂
I've heard about Roata and Sorin Chifiriuc. I did not listen to them but I will rectify this. So thank you for the recommendation. A Romanian band which is really close to my heart is Semnal M. I also like Iris and Holograf (the old songs, not the ring one though 🙂). And I really love Luna Amara.
I cannot be upset if you like GL (not able to guess... perhaps due to the lazy Sunday 😂) more than Roger Daltrey. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. However, a slight note: I was pointing out the amazing Roger's vocal performance. The guitar part is also brilliant (have you ever felt that those strings can make your eyes watery?) but on this occasion I wanted to let my friends know what kind of voicesvI love. I'm wondering if I shouldn't write another SAM (next week) about the gods of guitar. 🙂

GL = Greg Lake!
Maybe next week I'll post about music ... who knows?
Sorin Chifiriuc was one of the rock pioneers in Romania. A charismatic and difficult character. I was listening to him through the 75s and 80s but I met him in the late 80s after he founded the band Roata (new wave influences and alternatives) with quite a lot of takeovers from other bands.
After it disbanded Roata he collaborated with Dida Dragan and then a become a monk!
After three years in the monastery, he gave up and went to England. Yet not sing.
Two films from which you can see a little of the atmosphere of the early years of the Romanian rock.

You' ve been selected always in support of good work

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- Ryunosuke Satoro.

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Thank so much, @phototalent. This is great news. 🙂

Maybe he will compose a music about his beloved wife's affair with the hancy cave.
Ooo I am famous now! 🤘
Here comes the rooster!

Usually he sings about real stuff, not fiction. 🙂

Wonderful, post, sweetie! I felt myself transported to my youth, and I love all the rock bands you just nominated. Married with a rock star, wow!
And I'm a mother of one alternative music band (one man band, lol) leader too!
How wonderful can this be?
Great photos too, my dear!

Wow! But this is great. We are both in the business without playing an instrument. 😂
When they will be successful, we will be in the backstage spoiling thwir fun. 😂
I'm really happy you liked my post, and even happier for meeting another rock chick. 🤘
Thank you for your support

Ahah, we will! Hopefully! Rock chick, love it! Many hugs and kisses, my dear rock chick!❤️

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