Dear SAND users and investors. Im sorry I didnt clarify things earlier but, Please stop posting sports posts on #sandiego and if you post a non san diego related post PLEASE take the time to mention San Diego in at least 2 sentences.

in #sandiego5 years ago (edited)

It has come to my attention that too many non San Diego related posts are getting too much attention on and I have been too lenient allowing non San Diego related Sports related posts for #sportstalksocial flood my tribe which would be ok, if the posts had anything to do with san diego or socal sports. But they are just spam at this point and it is my fault for being too lenient

I have delegated 9000 Steempower to @videosteemit as he has already been helping me keep tag spam in check, my fault for not making it clear to mention san diego in posts, but now im making comments warning users before they get flagged or, in some cases were just flagging some sports posts that have nothing to do with sandiego. I still support sportstalksocial I just need to have san diego related posts, and there's plenty of san diego sports to talk about! :)

I will try to warn everyone so no one gets flagged, but if @steemsandiego has to flag you you shouldn't get much steem removed just sand. I just cant have non san diego related sports posts on steemsandiego BUT I DO support @sportstalksocial and would love to help create a partnership with CHL @challengedac and SPORTS so that we airdrop CHLp on all the top SPORTS richlist. We will also have someone hired soon to go and promote @challengedac to as many steem users using @sportstalksocial and @actifit as possible.

Im delegating 1000 SAND Power to @fantasycrypto to help me manage some spam downvotes if he would like, and if people dont start at least mentioning San Diego in their sports posts, then we will have to deal with them but Ill try to warn everyone.


Wow. I really wasnt expecting to lead the curation front. I'll help from time to time, but please spread this responsibility around too. Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

yeah man LEAD the curation front! i made this gif with to show hwo seriosu i am :D

To thank you for your efforts and to show I am serious and will make sure to remove the @sandiegocoin
upvotes on all non sandiego related posts heres 10 Steem (sent as 10+ steemp so you can withdraw 10 steem with 1% fee)

Also I will just delegate you some SAND power since your doing the work . Im guessing you must be San Diegan or close :)

You have 10,000 Sand Power

  • 15,000 so youll have 25,000 Sand Power now lets see how that lasts and maybe youll neeed more :)

Thanks again. LA for me. We stole your team.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm a photographer, and every time I post about the world of photographs, am I allowed to use the #sandiego tag?

Well you can answer your own question. Do the photos have anything to do with San Diego, california? We are trying to use a tag for a city here. Do you get what San Diego is? Its a city :) Sorry I guess that isnt made clear enough with all the generic tribes.

if the photos are having to do with san diego, or if you are from san diego or socal and are traveling, but you have #photo tribe for that, and travel tribes soon. We must reserve our tag for actual san diego related things

You post has been manually curated by BDvoter Team! To know more about us please visit our website or join our Discord.

BDvoter Team

And we don't want no Charger Crap on here either! Them suckers moved to LA (although, yes, we will receive them back with open arms when they are ready to come back here)

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