in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

Isaiah 55: 8-9: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts more than your thoughts. "


God has endowed man with intelligence and wisdom so that we can make correct decisions, but disobedience to the word of God has led him to his own destruction. How can we build a future of happiness?

The architects define what will be something in the future, in their plans they shape a vision and tomorrow will be what they planted. There are according to the Word architects that define your destiny, and one of them are the thoughts, Solomon wrote with a wisdom from heaven "as man thinks in his heart, such is", because you are and you become what you think.

Jesus came to change our destiny, says the Bible that the wages of sin is death, and because all sinned were destitute of the glory of God, that was our destiny, but Jesus came to change it. When He appears for the first time on earth he began his preaching with these words "Repent and repent because the kingdom of heaven has come near". The word "repent" means change your way of thinking. If you change the way you think someone will change the way, and if you change the way, you change your destiny, because the feet will go to the place that the mind tells you.

Jesus Christ came not only to bring a renewal for the spirit, but also a renewal of mentality, to move from the mentality of poverty to that of provision, from illness to health, from divorce to prosperous marriages blessed and healthy

God wants to change your way of thinking in order to change your way, because changing your way, change your destiny.

God is saying that He has a high road because his thoughts are high, his way is elevated because his thoughts are also high, and the thoughts he has for his children are good and not evil; So, if you want to change your path and destiny now, you must change your mentality. Poverty in the mind is what brings you poverty in your pocket, you can be born poor, but you do not have to die in this way, what can take you to the poor grave is your way of thinking. Jesus appeared to take out thoughts of defeat, of sickness, of suicide, of cultures that are not of God and to abolish them in order to sow his Word.

It is very important that you listen and read the Word, because on the bad day the Holy Spirit will remind you to take out the negative thoughts. When you replace bad thoughts with the Word of God, you have the power to change your destiny, because you become what you think. Read the Bible, memorize its promises; In this time you can overcome the negative news by feeding on the Word of God. Search the Scriptures because in them is eternal life.

Ephesians 4:31: "Take away from you all bitterness, anger, wrath, crying and slander, and all malice."

The Word of God exhorts us to remove all malice and bad thoughts from our thoughts. Today I invite you not to always think the worst, replace bad thoughts with good ones, always think well of people. Change your way of thinking, have mature thoughts in the Word, because if you let bad thoughts stay in your mind, you will be defeated.

The Word of God has supernatural and divine components to activate cells in your body and to give orders to your mind and your faith to awaken the sleeping spirit, and to ward off bad thoughts and negativity. Prophesy to your destiny, call what is not as if it were! The power to change your destiny because you become what you think.

You were created to be the architect of your destiny and that responsibility you can not delegate more than yourself, we are each of us who will have to answer before God for each of our attitudes, we are the ones who will take care of the success or failure of our lives .
Surely you have heard some people say that they did not reach their dreams because of third parties, ... because they did not receive the support of their parents, because they did not have the opportunity to study, or to finish their studies, because their spouse ..., because the government ... because the boss ..., because the teacher ..., the Pastor ..., the weather ... etc, and we do not realize that the story is full of men and women who reached the top despite all the controversies they had to go through, many they came from humble homes, they did not have much education, they were also misunderstood, but in spite of everything they achieved success, not allowing people or circumstances to dictate their future.

There is a design of your life, a perfect design, elaborated by God, long before you were born, in that project all the good wishes of God for you are outlined.
The key is not, not to make mistakes, but the key is: persevere, in spite of everything ... Your life is too valuable to leave it to the care of third parties, if you had a last generation vehicle zero kilometer, would you give him the keys to car to anyone? Surely your answer would be ¡No ..., this car cost too much and I have to take care of it .. !!!
Your life is also valuable, Jesus paid the highest price for you, I give your life itself, so that with your faith placed in it, live an abundant and powerful life, you are the one in charge of it, do not leave your life in strange hands, do not let the negative situations, the bad examples, your past, mark the course of your life, start right now to build a powerful future, you are Architect of your Destiny.


"Your life is also valuable, Jesus paid the highest price for you." And these words @darlenys01, are priceless. Only Jesus could pay the price that no one was worthy to do. For this reason we are loved by him, we are the most valuable of his creation.
Excellent dissertation God bless you.

God has given us the power to build our destiny, he made us in his image and likeness.

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We were created to be the architect of our own destiny and we are certainly ourselves who will give account to God for our actions, therefore we must lead our lives correctly according to biblical principles.
Excellent message @darlenys01.

No one is redundant in the face of God, every one can be use for God's work, as humans we should not under rate our neighbours. Thank you @darlenys01 for sharing with us!

A glorious destiny in Christ Jesus, beautiful message @darlenys01.

We are the best design of God, we are his project. and good plans have God for us, Very good reflection @darlenys01.

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