God, The Center Of Everything

in #sc-v5 years ago

The Psalmist said: Bless my soul to Jehovah, and bless my whole being His holy name; Bless my soul to Jehovah, and do not forget any of its benefits. It was not a suggestion, but an order. When you worship, you do not leave room for the complaint. But you do not always start or end your day like that. Everyone who complains is because he does not praise and worship. If you celebrate your spouse, you have no space to complain. How do you get to that? Being in love. In the courtship, nothing negative that another told you, affected you; When the emotion is gone, now what your mother always saw. What you have to do? Do not see it as she sees it, because it is not she who falls in love, but you. Give your mind an order. That is why so many problems in our relationships: We complain more than we celebrate. So, the first thing that happens when you begin to worship God correctly is that the complaint goes away.

Second, when you worship God correctly, you remain humble. Adoration keeps you simple because you recognize who God is in your life, that it is not by your works, that what you have comes from Him, that what you have achieved is because He gave it to you, He gave it to you; That they are not your abilities, but God. That is a promotional key in your life; The Word says: Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God so that He will exalt you when it is time. The person who worships, celebrates and recognizes God in all things, remains humble.

Third, when you go to pray, your heart is important as a worshiper because it keeps you focused on God and not on you. You are not the center of the universe; What happens to you is not the most important thing that is happening in this world. The big problem you have is not the biggest problem; You are worried about something, but there are those who are worried because they do not have food. Perhaps your concern is that your house is not painted as you would like, while the concern of another is that you do not have a house. Concerns can make you selfish, lead you to focus on you, what happens to you. Even Christians fall into that, to think about yours, your way of thinking. And unfortunately, so are the prayers of many. Your prayers will be more effective, the day you learn to intercede for another and realize that your concerns are nothing compared to those of another; And, your faith, you should use it in favor of others, because your concerns and you should know that God is going to solve them, so better concentrate on something else. As long as you think that the world revolves around your concern, you will never be satisfied.

When you worship God, you leave the center. It is not about singing the song that you like, but the one that goes in line with what you know and know and recognize about God and that brings you into his presence. You are not the center; You do not save anyone, you do not heal anyone, so if you do not get to your church, there is no problem, after God arrives. Jesus, on one occasion, said that one greater than the temple was there; The temple was not necessary; There is one bigger than the temple, which has not gone away. You can leave, as long as God does not leave; While God is, everything will be fine for those of us who know He is the center. When you worship God, He is your center, your focus; You look at it, you see its greatness in your life, and all things change.

Your worries are not so great that you put yourself at the center of everything. God is the center of all things.

Recognize that your concern has come because you have made yourself the center of everything; But you are not the center of everything; God is the center of all things, of the universe. Everything that happens is for Him and for Him. Give thanks to God, ask for forgiveness, and put it once again in the most important place in your life; Adore him.

"18 Do not get drunk with wine, in which there is dissolution; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking among yourselves with psalms, with hymns and spiritual songs, singing and praising the Lord in your hearts; 20 always giving thanks for everything to God and Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. "

Ephesians 5: 18-20



Putting God, his will, at the center of my life. May God be the weight that attracts my heart. It's that simple and that difficult. Because, if we are honest with ourselves, we have a thousand and one things with which we are distracted and of which we are the center of our life.

Acts 2: 29-47 how Jesus is the Lord above all things and Luke the author of the book affirms it by saying that "God has made Jesus the Lord and Messiah". Is he ruling over everything?

"Putting Christ at the center of our life" should not be a simple phrase, it should not be something that is not concrete, that has no reality of its own: rather, this decision should be engraved in our hearts. Today there is the danger of replacing Christ for vanities, for other people or for our concerns.

One of the main reasons why Jesus' ministry had so much clarity and power is that He focused on the Father. There was no double mentality to distract him.

In the same way, you and I can put Christ at the center of our life and become one with Him, as He is one with the Father (see John 17: 20-23). We can begin by separating everything that constitutes our life and then putting it back in order of priority, with the Savior in the center.

Jesus' desire is that we put it on and keep Him at the center of our lives. His desire is to reign in all areas of our life. We have to let Jesus rule over our mind, will, above all that we are.

Simply and in a few words God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

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Once we set aside enough time and resources for these issues that will focus our life on Christ, we can begin to add other responsibilities and issues of value, such as academic training, family responsibilities and personal occupations. In this way, the essential will not be displaced from our lives by that which is only good, and the things of less value will have lower priority or disappear altogether.

The apologetic author Ravi Zacarías commented that this is a generation that "thinks with their eyes." They are watching and the mind goes to that side. We have to go back to the center of focus in our lives, that is, Jesus.

That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Acts 17:27-28

God bless you beloved @darlenys01

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