Do well in all circumstances.

in #sc-v5 years ago

Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
Luke 6:27 "But to you who listen to me, I say to you: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.


Always do good without looking back

Reflection to exemplify our role as a Christian

One day a man captured an eagle, cut off its wings and released it in the corral with all its chickens.
Distressed, the eagle, who was powerful, lowered her head and passed without eating: she felt like an imprisoned queen.
Another man who saw it, liked it and decided to buy it. He tore off the cut feathers and made them grow again.
In response the eagle of its wings, took flight, captured a hare to take it in gratitude to its liberator.
A vixen saw her and maliciously she advised her by saying:
"Do not take the hare to the one who freed you, but to the one who captured you; for the one who freed you is already good without further encouragement. Try rather to soften the other, do not go to catch you again and completely pull your wings.
Always respond generously to your benefactors, and for prudence stay away from the evil ones who insinuate to do the wrong thing.


The Eagle's message invites us to be generous and to teach the beings around us with our actions. Not to put the word "enemies" to those who attack or harm us, but to show them the right path with our living

Doing good and responding well to any circumstance is the Christian's challenge and it is God's desire for his children, since serving and glorifying God will only be possible through our good deeds.
The Christian can not pay evil for evil but good for evil our good deeds glorify and honor God.


We are certainly called to do good . Very good advice @elion

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