in #sc-v5 years ago

The special place that so many people occupy in our life, we give it based on the feelings we have towards them, each of us has priorities either personal or in the activities we do, according to the close relationship we have with a person, for some Parents are the most important thing, for others the couple, or friends, or maybe a special person is more important than everything else.


We have several friends, but we always have a best friend, we love our family but usually the love of our parents is greater, for the married their wives or in the case of courtships we spend more time with the couple or thinking about it, and if we go into all the activities we do in the day, we do not have time for everything, but where do we leave God?

There is a commandment named in the Bible as the most important that says: Love your God with everything you think, with all that you are and with all that you are worth. Deuteronomy 6: 5 (TLA)

When we love someone we automatically make them important to us, we give them a special place in our hearts, and if we are reciprocated by the person we experience well-being and satisfaction, we feel with that special and important place, how much more will be the reciprocity of God if we place him in the first place of our life ?, if we show him love, and we see him as the source of inspiration and blessing that takes us forward every day.

If our first places of important things do not include God, we run the risk of failing and all that we once believed at any time may disappear.

The idea of ​​giving God the first place goes far beyond religiosity or spending hours and hours in prayer, but tries to take it as the main basis on which we build our lives, our dreams and each of our goals, as the center where our life revolves, always staying close to Him, dedicating quality time, caring for our relationship with Him, enjoying His presence as we do with everything else, always remembering that all the things we have come from, knowing that for many things that may happen He will always be by our side to give us his support.

Putting God first, generates a feeling of fullness, a close relationship with God keeps us firm in his will because we continuously seek it at the same time we learn to value more everything that is important for us and we receive his abundant blessing In everything we do, it's like going with the one who gives the blessing and not just behind it.

God is the origin of everything we have, everything that occupies important places in our hearts comes from Him, it is who gives us the family we have, work, every person we know, every good we have, our partner, nothing comes to our life by chance, it is God who is in charge of doing all that is in his hands to give us all that happiness that we have, because for Him we are the first, the most important and most loved.

Is God your first place? Are you corresponding to the place where He has you? We each know what places each thing occupies in our life, what is a priority and what we dedicate so much time and love to, but without doubt the only place that fills all the spaces It is God's.


When Jesus Christ has the first place in our life, we experience many blessings, including:
A restful spirit When we turn our attention to the Lord and meditate on his Word, we find rest for our soul (Ps 23.2). The Holy Spirit helps us to leave the distractions to give us the security of the love and support of our heavenly Father. With a clear mind and a restful heart we can discern what God tells us.
A stronger faith. The study of the Bible broadens our vision of God and gives us discernment and direction. Reading the way the Lord has helped others gives us confidence that He is at our side, allowing us to face the demands of life. Our faith grows as we obey its direction and observe the way it acts on our behalf.
A purified heart. Like a mirror, the Bible reflects what we really are, and reveals what we need to change. If we confess our sin, God promises to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1.9).

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