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RE: WTF: Kokesh Calls on Voluntaryists to "...put down the ideology..."

in #scam6 years ago

It seems he is pitching localization by shutting down the federal government--sure that is not straight voluntarism/anarchy with NAP but I think it is fine to make a pragmatic argument--at least in a political party, especially one misbranded as Republican lite, by the joke candidacy of Bill Weld in 2016. Sure engaging in politics/elections is a questionable tactic toward anarchy--but I think it may be useful. For better or worse the sheep who give the state its power and recognize its flags and claims to authority are big into elections and the narratives those myths give meaning to in their lives. I think utilizing the political/election process to 1. advertise an alternative non coercive free market alternative is interesting and 2. possibly compromising further via localization is interesting.

Ultimately, I would compromise with the electorate even further just to realize significant change and help defeat the mass armies of government bureaucracies. I think of those who vote, there is a serious consensus on a welfare state. I think replacing the entire US federal government--if cryptos haven't already solved everything by then with a $10k per year annual basic income for $3.3 trillion would be preferable, to business as usual (sure not as good as eliminating all institutionalized state coercion--but absent some digital social transformations seems unlikely to be realized by 2020). I'd rather have $10k more in my pocket and no war on drugs, and no war on terror by 2020.

But sure, it is possible we could convince everyone way before 2020 to stop with this arbitrary institutionalized state violence. Obviously if one embraces deontology/ is opposed to teleology it would not matter, if one course ultimately realizes a less insane state, even if that path eventually realizes a free society--or does so more quickly, if such path requires one to compromise their values.

Adam helped bring me to steem and his videos helped convince me that voluntarism is much more viable. Robert Nozick, who turned me against arbitrary state power has some interesting discussions of consequentialism in "Consquentialism and its Critics," and "Anarchy, State an Utopia." I wonder what Nozick would think of this digital world we inhabit? I think it is good to ask important questions and never just assume the best of people. I have found Adam to be genuine and well motivated in my interactions.

Hopefully we are free someday.

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