HELP: Can you tell me about the Moon/Tides or how astrology may (or may not) be complete bullsh**?

in #science7 years ago (edited)


Brilliant minds of Steemit, I'm planning Episode 2 of What's Up Planets?, and I need your help!

I just started a new podcast about astrology with my friend, Mardi. Below is a picture of her I photoshopped years ago when she joined instagram as hairscoper -- get your horoscope while she cuts your hair, if you'd like ;). It feels appropriate to resurface it, because Episode 2 is going to be all about the moon, aka your feminine side...


I want to investigate the science behind this claim.

According to western astrology, the position of the moon at the exact moment you were born is supposed to represent how you are emotionally. It is how you feel nurtured. My moon sign is Aquarius, so emotionally I am like an Aquarius.

I would love to record a phone call with somebody who understands the science behind how/why the moon causes tides, or why certain flowers bloom in moonlight.

Or maybe even just record myself reading your comments with a Darth Vader effect on my voice and get your permission to use them in the show.

I would also love to know if anyone here believes that it is possible that the moon's forces could affect humans.

We are made up largely of water, right? Is there any science to support your belief?

Here is Episode 1: It's all about the sun.

Sneak Peak: The intro unpacks a common misconception that we only have one sign, and she analyzes Donald Trump's natal chart @ 17:58.

Thanks for listening <3



I would love to believe the moon's forces affect humans, but science doesn't think so :(

Ooo, thanks for sharing. I'll check it out.

Nice pod cast well done

Tim Minchin has a great little poem that covers my thoughts.

I suscribe to the view.
"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"
Douglas Adams

Then again my sister says I'm a a typical cancer while my hippie cousin says I'm a typical rooster but i think she is trying to call me a cock.

Haha, I appreciate you sharing your views on the matter, @shai-hulud.

I fall somewhere between Tim and Storm. I believe in science and fact, and I'm not delusional that Tylenol works (although, I do believe there is a lot of corruption in the prescription drug industry). However, I do think that it's possible there are certain physical realities we are not yet attuned to understand.

I pulled a book out of a Little Free Library in Washington D.C. last weekend, and it had this quote by Albert Einstein on the cover:

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

I'm still trying to figure out when/why he said this, but in the context of this post, it makes me think of this... We don't currently have the instruments/technology to measure levels of intuition or know how it works, but that doesn't mean it isn't a real and physical thing.

Am I Storming hard right now, or are you with me?

No I'm with you, we don't have all the answers but I think they will be found.

There is alot of evolutionarily theory that deals in what alot of people might call intuition.

I pretty much live in a land of cognitive dissonance holding conflicting views on almost everything but I have to stop myself from writing an essay as a response I love talking about this stuff.

Ooo, I'll have to check that out, thanks.

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