Self-awareness and take action to succeed

in #self-awaress6 years ago (edited)


At this time you feel that you have not been successful? Do you still have that career? In fact, there have been many things that you have done, but all have not yet shown results.

Why? Are you lacking diligence? Or, you are less intelligent? Hmmm, to answer it, you need to take the time to reflect, think again about what you have and haven't done. The goal is to correct your strategy for success.

Yup! Correction. Correction is a skill that helps you realize success. People who have never corrected what they have done will not be able to know the mistakes that made it fail.

For example, you are driving to a place that you have never visited before. You trace the road to the place based on map instructions. But, it turns out you're wrong the way. You turn left, for example, whereas according to the map, you should be straight.

If you do not correct your mistakes, then you will get lost or fail to go to that place.

Children who sit in school always make corrections to correct their mistakes. They do repetitions every week and test every six months to correct and evaluate their learning progress. If it turns out there are still many errors, they are also required to improve learning strategies.

Self-Awareness, aware of yourself, and correction.

Correction can be done when you have self-awarenss. Self awareness is awareness of yourself. This awareness includes awareness of what you think, your perception of an event, your desires and why you want it, your weaknesses and strengths, your nature, habits, attitudes, emotions and feelings, and your mindset about yourself alone, others, and the world. In other words, self-awareness means awareness of who you really are.

You must realize who you really are because your identity also influences your success. Likewise with correction. You can make corrections to what you have done only if you realize who you really are.

Self-Awaress and take action to succeed.

With self-awareness, you can not only make corrections and know who you really are, but you can also control yourself to take action to correct your mistakes. In other words, self-awareness is the first step to change.

It is true when Thomas Sterner said, "We can not change what we are unaware of," we cannot change what we ourselves do not realize. Before taking any action, you must first have self-awareness.

When you don't have self-awareness, then you don't know that you are controlled by perspective, emotions, feelings, desires, habits, and the mindset that you believe in.


Now, when you don't know that you are controlled by your feelings, emotions, perceptions, beliefs, habits, and desires, then you don't know whether they are destructive or otherwise, are constructive. When you don't know that they are destructive or constructive, you are not moved to make changes.

You have no idea at all that all of them affect your success. You will see that everything is fine, that your failure has nothing to do with what you do, think, feel, want, and what you believe.

If perceptions, emotions, feelings, beliefs, habits, desires, weaknesses, and strengths support your success, no problem. However, the problem is if it turns out that all of them actually hinder your success.

Therefore, you need to have self-awareness. First, to find out who you really are; Second, to know the effect of your identity on the actions you take; Third, to take actions needed in achieving success.

Self-awareness and conscious mind.

Self-awareness lies in the conscious mind. While the belief system (which determines our perceptions, thoughts and actions), habits, character, weaknesses and strengths lies in the subconscious mind. In fact, the conscious mind only has control over us by 12%. The rest of the control is held by our subconscious mind.

This means, we are more controlled by our thoughts, belief systems and habits than by our consciousness. This is why we always have difficulty having self-awareness. This is why we always find it difficult to introspect, let alone make changes.

But, this is also the reason we must have self-awareness. As I explained earlier, when we don't have self-awareness, our actions are fully controlled by our belief system, perceptions, emotions, and feelings. In fact, not necessarily all of them (belief systems, mindset, habits, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, emotions) support our success.

Well, then, how do we have self-awareness if the conscious mind, which is the basis for self-awareness, has only 12% of our control?

Even though only 12% dominate self-awareness, we can still strengthen our control of ourselves.

The trick is to capitalize on that 12%. Take advantage of 12% as much as possible to find out who we really are (mindset, perception, thoughts, habits, character, weaknesses, strengths, talents, interests, skills, and intelligence).

After knowing who we really are, capitalizing on our self-awareness, we can do a correction (correction) whether our identity (part of our identity) supports our success or actually inhibits our success.

Furthermore, after knowing what parts of ourselves that hinder and support our success, by capitalizing on self-awaress, we can make changes to the parts that hinder it and maintain parts of ourselves that support our success.

How to grow self-awareness

The question is, how do we know our perspectives, thoughts, belief systems, and habits? How do we know our talents, weaknesses and strengths, and intelligence? In short, how do we know who we really are? Now, to find out the answer, let's look at the following ways.

The judgments of others

The most effective way to find out who we really are is to ask other people we trust, with a note, the person has an objective assessment.

Ask your spouse, family, or friends how your character is, what your thoughts and habits are. Also ask whether there are any of your characters, thoughts, and habits that have a negative impact on your success, as well as anything from yourself that supports you to succeed.


Besides asking other people, you can also ask yourself about attitudes, behavior, character, strengths, weaknesses, talents, passion, desires, perceptions, and belief systems that you follow.

You are the one who knows more about yourself.


If you are not sure about other people's judgments or your judgments about yourself, you can ask psychologists about your character, talents, traits, weaknesses, strengths, and passion.

One way that you can take is to read your handwriting. If you don't understand how to read handwriting, you can consult a graphologist.


You can also know yourself through your story everyday. Write diaries about your life every day.

Write down all the events that you see and experience every day and also write down what impressions, feelings, and actions you did in response to the incident.

After you write your life story, you can evaluate it, explore what your characters, talents, passion, weaknesses, and strengths are recorded through the story.

Look back at your achievements

Your achievements show your talent and intelligence. If at school you have good grades in science lessons, then you are most likely gifted in analytical thinking. If your score is good in the field of language, then maybe your talents and strengths are in your ability to use language.

Try new things


You can also find out your talents, passion, and strengths and weaknesses from trying new things, trying new activities.

By trying new activities, who knows if you like the activity, or even very anti-activity.

When you like these activities, it can be concluded that you have a passion in that field. Conversely, when you are reluctant to do the activity once again, it can be concluded that you have no interest in that field. Or, maybe to do that activity requires skills / weaknesses that are your weaknesses.

That way, besides you know your hidden talents and abilities, you also know your hidden weaknesses and strengths.

Achieving success

After knowing how to realize who you really are, it's time to use that self-awareness to achieve success.

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