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RE: Log It, Graze It, Or Watch It Burn: Who To Blame For Wild Fires

The last wildfire we had here, we took my irrigation pump out and ran water from our well to put the fire out. If we had waited for the fire department half of my neighbours would have been burnt out. We are having all kinds of chemicals sprayed on us all the time. Many times it smells like either a pesticide or a herbicide. It is killing the fish in the fish farms. 😠


Yeah... Every time I hear "The government would never do that" I want to scream. Just a LITTLE time studying the history of just what governments HAVE ALREADY DONE would go a long way toward understanding just how low a government will go...
I think the locals are pretty pissed. No one wants to insult the firefighters, but even the young'uns around here have a daddy or uncle who was a logger or a miner, and they KNOW how we USED to fight fires... and they know it was a better way.

When will the stupidity end?

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